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Dec 18, 2020

No Liquor to be Sold After Six P.M.!!

Kareem Musa

The sale of liquor is also being prohibited beyond six p.m. daily and that, too, is indefinite.  While alcohol can still be consumed in the privacy of one’s home, you are not allowed to purchase beers, wines or hard liquor beyond six o’clock.  Inter-district travel has also been banned in the north for the time being.  Minister of Home Affairs Kareem Musa explains.


Kareem Musa, Minister of Home Affairs

“Every business that sells liquor, you are no longer allowed to sell liquor after six p.m.  So if it is that you want to pick up a beverage before you go home, remember, curfew is at eight o‘clock, you can get your beverage, I know it‘s the time of year that you might want to get an alcoholic beverage, pick it up before six p.m., take it home and you can enjoy it there.  The reason this has become necessary is because what we have noticed in the last weeks and months is a lot individuals have been going to parks and have been going to the seaside in large numbers and to consume, for the most part, some of them are not, but a lot of them are consuming alcohol.  So they are finding a way around the bars.  So again, it is regrettable that we have to take this stand but we must.  So nobody is allowed to sell alcohol after six p.m.  Another new provision: no person shall enter or exit the Orange Walk of Corozal districts unless, so we do have an exception to this, unless you are going to and from work or you are traveling for the purpose of food distribution or for a medical emergency.  So, Madame AG, there is no inter-district traveling and there is no inner-district traveling, meaning, I cannot go from the Cayo District to the Orange Walk District to purchase tacos.  I cannot do that.  As much as I enjoy tacos like my friend Mr. Peyrefitte, I cannot do that.  There is also no inner-district commute, what does that mean?  It means that you cannot, even within Orange Walk, go from one village to another village, or from one village to a town, even though it‘s within Orange Walk.  So we are restricting the travel to these districts and within these districts and you can only do so, as I said, with those exceptions.”

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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