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Home » Health, People & Places » Heineman Medical Outreach Inc. Donates to K.H.M.H
Dec 22, 2020

Heineman Medical Outreach Inc. Donates to K.H.M.H

On Sunday, the U.S. Embassy in Belize delivered more than eight thousand pounds of medical equipment to the Karl Heusner Memorial Hospital. The equipment is worth more than twenty thousand Belize dollars and was donated by the Heineman Medical Outreach, also referred to as H.M.O.  The batch of equipment arrived in the country on a C-17 Globemaster U.S. military aircraft through the U.S. government’s Denton Humanitarian Assistance Program.  The donation is expected to help with Belize’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Denton Humanitarian Assistance Program transports humanitarian cargo donated by U.S.- based non-governmental organizations on U.S. military aircraft. Over the last thirty-five years, millions of pounds of cargo have been delivered to countries around the world through the program.  During the last ten years, H.M.O. has provided a fully equipped cardiac catheterization laboratory, supported the training of personnel to work in the laboratory, donated operating room equipment for cardiac surgeries, and supported the first open-heart surgery in Belize in 2012.

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