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Dec 22, 2020

Dr. Marvin Manzanero at Home Recovering

Marvin Manzanero

Health and Wellness Minister Michel Chebat also provided an update on Doctor Marvin Manzanero. Manzanero, who had been hospitalized after contracting COVID-19, is now at home recovering.  During his time away, Doctor Melissa Diaz was appointed as acting Director of Health Services, and from what Minister Chebat said, it does not seem like Manzanero will return to his office as Director of Health Services. However, according to Chebat, Manzanero will return to the ministry and will play a key role in advising the government.


Michel Chebat

Michel Chebat, Minister of Health and Wellness

“I want to take the opportunity since we are talking about this team to talk about our former DHS Doctor Manzanero. His name comes up every time we are on a talk show or a press conference. They ask about him and I want to say that I am please to say that Doctor Manzanero has now been released and he is at home recovering and we certainly wish him a speedy recovery and I want to clarify that there are no issues between him and I. It is unfortunate that this issue has been sensationalized. I believe that he is a highly qualified doctor. I believe that he did the best that he could possibly do while he was the DHS, but we are in a war so speak in this country. COVID is no joke. In times of war we need a war time general. We need someone who has actually been on the ground, seeing this first hand, knowing on a first hand level what this pandemic is about, knowing how to address and react to these circumstances. That is why we had a shift. In war we need a war time general and we found in Doctor Diaz that person. She has been on the ground. She has been on the frontline battling this virus. So we place our trust in her to lead this team.  We are not going to throw the experience and the knowledge that he has, we are not going to throw that away. Actually we look forward to his full recovery and for his reincorporation into the Ministry of Health and Wellness. And we do expect that he is going to be part of this team, helping to advice and to lead the country along he correct path.”

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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