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Home » Health » Number of Active COVID-19 Cases Decreasing
Dec 30, 2020

Number of Active COVID-19 Cases Decreasing

One figure that keeps decreasing is the number of active cases. Today’s infographic shows that there are seven hundred and ninety-four active cases. This is a major decrease from the number of active cases recorded just a few days ago when the figure was more than one thousand, five hundred. According to Acting Director of Health Services Doctor Melissa Diaz, the figure reflects patients who have clinically recovered.


Dr. Melissa Diaz, Acting Director of Health Services

Dr. Melissa Diaz

“When we report data we have to really look at the information and that the public is really asking. So we want to simplify this in January. You will see there is a difference between number of tests ran and number of persons tested. So the number of tests ran does not necessarily mean that is equivalent to the number of persons tested. A person may have been re-swabbed, they may have gotten a third swab. It may have been a negative from a rapid test and they may have gone to a PCR. So that number will not equal. You will have to look at the number of persons tests as the denominator and the number of positive test as the numerator. That will give us the positivity rate. We are looking at simplifying that data and ensure that when the general public looks at it, these numbers are matching. I want to take this opportunity to clarify as well regards to the clinically recovered cases because I know that this has been a question for many people. There are two different ways that a country can actually say if somebody has recovered, clinically or laboratory. Now we do know from evidence, from guidance from CDC, WHO the EU that after nine, ten days you are unlikely to be infectious. Now I really want to make the clarification with the clinically recovered cases because what we have decided at the Ministry of Health is that we have implemented and I sent out a memo to the regional managers team, not the public on a whole, to say that at this point persons can be deemed clinically recovered if, and I had jotted down three or four different criteria that they have to meet. So I want to make it clear that it is not, that okay today is day fourteen I am clinically recovered. You don’t determine that on your own nor does your employer. It should be somebody from the Minister of Health of a doctor or nurse of the private sector who has been guided by what is determined as clinically recovered.”

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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