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Dec 30, 2020

Acting D.H.S. Explains Latest COVID-19 Figures

An additional COVID-19 death was recorded today. This puts the figure of total COVID-19 deaths to two hundred and forty-two. The case fatality rate stands at two point two six percent, while the positivity rate stands at twenty-one point two percent. Fifty-seven new cases were confirmed today increasing the total number of confirmed cases to ten thousand, seven hundred and twenty-four. Eighty-five persons are under investigation with twenty-two patients hospitalized, six who are admitted in the I.C.U.  According to Acting Director of Health Services Doctor Melissa Diaz, the figures are decreasing over the past few weeks.


Dr. Melissa Diaz, Acting Director of Health Services

“We have noticed over the last week the trend to be, the positivity rate is coming down a little bit. As I have explained in the past we don’t really have a perfect curve as other places may have reported. It is more like spikes and then it drops a little bit and then some spikes again. In fact we were and we are coming down from our fourth spike for this year. Over the Christmas and I believe along with some of the restrictions been put in place we are seeing slightly reduced numbers. I am very cautious in saying that because certain things can cause a spike again but we do know that over the last week we had a positivity rate from between fifteen percent up to about twenty three percent. That is more or less on average twenty percent, nineteen percent positivity rate.”


Hipolito Novelo

“Is it your belief then that after this Christmas break that those figures will continue to decrease or it is that we expect another spike?”


Dr. Melissa Diaz

Dr. Melissa Diaz

“Well with any major event in a country we do expect perhaps the numbers will go up a little bit. We are hoping it won’t be like the spike just previously due to the stricter restrictions that are now being implemented and enforced. Also due to us trying to really do a lot more health education and put in more commercial, advertisements, collaborating with other NGOS and other partners as well to try to get the message out.”

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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