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Dec 30, 2020

Doctor Manzanero Recovers from COVID-19

Dr. Marvin Manzanero

Today’s COVID-19 infographic shows that nine thousand six hundred and eighty-nine persons have recovered from the deadly COVID-19 virus. One of those persons is Doctor Marvin Manzanero. He is at home recovering after he contracted the virus in early December. Doctor Manzanero had to be hospitalized after the virus took a toll on his body. He lost almost twenty pounds and he is still trying to get back on his two feet. Manzanero appeared on Open Your Eyes this morning where he detailed his battle with COVID-19.


Dr. Marvin Manzanero, Recovered COVID-19 Patient 

“I really don’t know where it got it to begin with and I think that’s something that we need to stressed for everybody. This Friday is going to be four weeks, I started with an itchy throat and I was feverish. So from the moment I felt that I start to kind of isolate myself at home that was a Friday. Saturday I really didn’t have any symptoms; Sunday I didn’t really have any symptoms. Monday I went to work and towards the afternoon I started feeling a little but week and I had a public activity that afternoon. I didn’t go and I went to get a rapid test that Monday evening. That Monday evening, December seventh I think was the date, the result I was driving back home when I was told. On the Tuesday and Wednesday I was really just kind of watching what was happening with myself. I was really just on the basic medication, vitamin supplements, I think I was taking zinc tablets. Nothing else. I wasn’t having any symptoms. On Thursday, this is three days after having been diagnosed, I started feeling a little bit more tired but still no fever. On the Friday I started having a little bit more fever and so I started antibiotics on that Friday. That was the Friday before I went to the hospital; and I was just tired. On the Saturday I think I was little but more tired and I have a watch that tracks your heart beat and my heart rate was going a little more high when I wasn’t feeling too well. So that is when I went for cat scan and I went to the hospital. I had infiltrates on both lungs in the basis and some were starting to appear on the upper portion of the lungs. Infiltrates is a small legions as if  you going to be having a viral pneumonia in both basis and they were starting t spread to the upper portion of the lungs.”

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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