Belize Healthcare Partner Ltd. Boast 5 Ventilators
According to Doctor Pott, the hospital has five ventilators, one for each room in the isolation unit which also has dialysis treatment capabilities. Pott says that each patient is allowed to use a tablet for them to keep in touch with their family and friends while they are in the isolation unit.
Dr. Shanna Pott, Medical Practitioner, B.H.P.L.
“Here admitted we’ve had so far over forty patients, there are about forty five patients total that we have treated in the isolation ward. And of course like I said we also see out patients from the flu clinics and sometimes when patients have tested positive and we think that they may require x-ray, blood test and things like that, we also bring them to our room in here where they can receive that as well, without having to be admitted and so that we can see if they develop pneumonia or anything that requires treatment but we also provide that service that patients come in for x-ray and still be out patients. COVID was a surprise to everybody and we try to be as prepared as possible. Yes we did have an occurrence and we did have to close for a few days just to sanitize the place but we got it under control very quickly. It was of course a learning process. There is always room for improvement in everything I do. I find that yes we have improved greatly since the beginning like I said it was a learning process for everybody.”