MoHW CEO Replaced on KHMH Board
But what about the removal of Doctor Mendez from the K.H.M.H. Board of Directors? The C.E.O. in the Ministry of Health and Wellness has been replaced by Doctor Julio Sabido who also holds other important responsibilities within the ministry. According to Minister Chebat, it is important for C.E.O. Mendez to pay more attention to the work of the Ministry of Health and Wellness.
Michel Chebat, Minister of Health & Wellness
“We decided to replace Dr. Mendez on the board because the ministry is a complex ministry and the ministry requires her to be there really five days a week, almost twenty-four hours a day if possible. And so we felt that relieving her from the KHMH would allow her more time to spend at the ministry to make sure that the work is being done there.”
“But there is a law that says that she is the one who supposed to be there.”
Michel Chebat
“No, there isn’t… if you look at it, there is a confusion in the interpretation of that, it does not say that. Look at it closely, it does not say that.”