Dr. Manza Decides to Stay
There is also some good news regarding Dr. Marvin Manzanero. Over the weekend, the Minister of Health, Kevin Bernard, announced that the former Director of Health Services has accepted the new post of Director of International Cooperation. This was one of three posts in the Ministry of Health and Wellness which have been vacant for several weeks. The other two –Director of Hospital Services and Allied Health and Director of Public Health and Wellness— were created when the post of Director of Health Services was abolished under the previous Minister of Health, Michel Chebat. Minister Bernard spoke to News Five today about what happens next with Dr. Manzanero.
Kevin Bernard, Minister of Health & Wellness
“Dr. Manzanero has accepted to take on the new role of Director of International Cooperation. We are now going to go through the process that now needs to take place at the Public Service and make that recommendation from the Ministry that Dr. Manzanero be offered that position. As far as we are concerned, I think both from the Public Service Union, the Ministry itself, and myself as the Minister, we wanted an amicable solution, we found a solution and I think that’s the best way to go.”