Timothy McNamara’s Family Can Return to Washington to Lay Him to Rest
Karen Koehler, the lead attorney for Timothy McNamara’s loved ones says, in addition to the settlement, the family is now able to return to their farm in Washington state, and place Timothy’s ashes close to another family grave.
Karen Koehler, Attorney-at-law
“For seven years they have been waiting for the truth to be told. The story has been that he committed suicide and they knew that was not true. Not just that he committed suicide, but that he committed suicide after giving everything, all of his… everything that he owned to this woman. So now, we are going to get it back. I’ll tell you a story, before he died, his sister, very close sister of him passed away. She was buried on the farm in Washington, a farm that he had in the family for over forty years. It was a family farm. He buried his sister on the farm. Well, his ashes have never been buried to this date and the family was not allowed to go back to the farm. She had an order prevent the family from going to the farm. Now, it looks like they are going to be able to bury Mr. McNamara on the farm next to his sister and they will be able to visit everyone again. So, it is very, very meaningful.”