PM Briceño Presents Details of CABEI Loan for Rehabilitation of Philip Goldson Highway
During the day’s proceedings in the house, Prime Minister John Briceño made presentations on loan motions that Belize is getting to invest in infrastructural projects. One of the loans is from the Central American Bank for Economic Integration, CABEI, for the rehabilitation of sixteen miles of the Philip Goldson Highway. The forty-eight-million-dollar loan from CABEI is for the expansion and rehabilitation of a stretch of road along the Philip Goldson Highway between miles eight to mile twenty-four.
Prime Minister John Briceño
“There’ll be base failure repairs. There’s going to be construction of new paved shoulders, which will be one point five meters wide on both sides in effect that’s three meters which will be approximately little over nine feet wide that will be expanding on the highway. The entire area we are going to be improving both vertical and horizontal alignments to address an improve road safety. We also have the revision and enhancement of drainage infrastructure to reduce the vulnerability of flooding. There are some areas that are prone to flooding, so we have to put bigger culverts and with the kind of rains that we have, as we saw just a few weeks ago up north where we had several inches of rain in just over one or two hours. Obviously the drains that are there are too small to be able to allow the running of water to run out. And also the installation of road safety furniture which includes pedestrian crossings, signs, road markings, and stud guard rails, and lightings. The approved financing will also include the procumbent of consulting services, engineering software, and project vehicles. Details to the terms and conditions of the loan are set out in the loan motion which I have read.”