Collectively Strengthening the National Response to HIV/AIDS
HIV/AIDS continues to be a priority in Belize and the National Health Insurance, in collaboration with the Social Security Board, has been able to secure an almost three million U.S.-dollar grant from the Global Fund to support the efforts of stakeholders in preventing and managing HIV/AIDS and related health threats. During a signing agreement for the first disbursement of the grant, stakeholders spoke on the need for a collective effort to strengthen the national response to HIV/Aids.
Dr. Giovanni Solorzano, Chairperson, National AIDS Commission
“The global fund to fight Aids, Tuberculosis and Malaria recently approved a sum of two point nine-nine million dollars U.S. for Belize for the implementation during the grand cycle 2022 to 2024 under the theme getting to 90-90-90 – that’s our theme. During this cycle, Belize has transitioned from an international to a national principal recipient being Belize Social Security Board through the N.H.I., National Health Insurance, who will be responsible for overseeing implementation of activities focusing on provision of treatment care and support, community system strengthening, monitoring and evaluation as well as testing and counselling.”
Ruth Jaramillo, Focal Point for Global Fund
“If nothing else, the message is very clear that we have a timeline, we have a target and the idea is that if we are focused and driven, we believe that we can attain these and to not lose sight of the efforts that are already on the ground, but how to then tailor this in a more efficient way.”
Dr. Ramon Figueroa, General Manager, National Health Insurance
“For us to be able to mount a national, effective and efficient response, we need to work together, we need to collaborate with each other. We need to look at ourselves in the mirror and be frank with what we can do right and seek help if we need assistance to approve what we can’t do right. This is a national response that can only be successful if we work and cooperate and we work together.”
The sub-recipients of the grant are the Ministry of Health and Wellness, Hand in Hand Ministries, the Civil Society Organization Hub and the Belize Family Life Association.