Cancer Society receives $5,000 from Rotary
The Belize Cancer Society today received over five thousand dollars from the Corozal Rotary Club. The money is the amount raised from the organization’s March ninth swim across the Corozal Bay. Handing over the check was Hernan Riverol, the President of the Corozal Rotary Club and receiving the money on behalf of the society was its treasurer, Araceli Moguel. Riverol told us how the project got off the ground.
Hernan Riverol, President, Rotary Club, Corozal
“Sometime around January, Mr. Manuel Lizarraga, who is an avid swimmer, approached us with the idea for the project. He had already established or made a contact with the Cancer Society and I think it was Ms. Soberanis at the time had indicated they would be prepared to let us use the Cancer Society to raise these funds. And as you know all the funds that were generated have been contributed over to the Cancer Society.”
Araceli Moguel, Treasurer, Belize Cancer Society
“Well we just had ground breaking ceremony already and we are trying to raise funds to start build. But as you know, that will be quite a bit of money.”
Q: “Why do we need a hospice?”
Araceli Moguel
“A hospice, as you know, could be a place or it could be a program to deliver care to the cancer patients. It includes outpatient treatment, family support. So we really need a building to have a program to serve our people.”
The site for the Society’s hospice is located just opposite to the Mercy Kitchen and clinic in the vicinity of Coral Grove.