E.U. Ambassadors Support O.A.S. Mission at Adjacency Zone
On Friday, a high-level delegation from the European Union travelled to the Adjacency Zone between Belize and Guatemala. Led by Marianne Van Steen, the E.U. Ambassador to Belize, the delegation was made up of six ambassadors representing E.U. member states including, Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and Spain. The primary objective of their visit was to observe the impact of E.U.-funded activities in the region and to announce a fresh wave of support from the union. We asked the E.U. Ambassador to Belize about the tour when we caught up with her on Saturday in Belize City.
Marianne Van Steen, European Union Ambassador to Belize
“I am extremely happy with what the OAS mission is doing. You will probably know that the European Union was founded after we had two World Wars which started on our continents. So, when this started, the integration between the EU countries, the only thing we were looking for is peace. And, so our project is actually is a peace project. As I said as well, with climate change and everything we do we do not only want to work on our continent, we want to work with other partners over the world, so when we learn that there is not a war between two countries, but there is no border between two countries but there is the will of the people to go to an international court to decide what that border will be, we were very impressed and said we should help and support that. We are now trying to support the mission of the OAS that is doing lots of efforts to prevent conflict and build confidence between Guatemala and Belize.”