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Jun 27, 2023

SICA to Help Haiti

Roberto Alvarez

One country that the SICA heads of government want to assist in improving the conditions of its people is Haiti. Haiti shares a border with the Dominican Republic on the island of Hispaniola. For decades, Haiti has had vulnerable communities plagued by floods, soil erosion, and wanton deforestation that have removed almost all of the country’s forest cover. In addition, Haiti has still been recovering from a major earthquake in 2010. The regional heads hope that their collective effort can help to improve things for Haiti.


Roberto Alvarez, Foreign Minister, Dominican Republic

“We recognize, to begin with, the great promotion that has already been achieved through CARICOM – the creation of a group of eminent persons that group of three former prime ministers of CARICOM is, has been charged with the duty of finding ways of promoting dialogue within Haiti with the government and all of actors, all of stakeholders in Haiti. That is one big item, which has been recognized in the declaration that has been approved in today. Another one is The Organization of American States has approved a resolution. It is not mentioned specifically in the declaration of Placencia But it is embedded in the statement that Haiti needs greater assistance in every area possible security humanitarian Particularly at, at this point in time. So that has been recognized in the declaration approved today. This is a mechanism to amplify the voice of the international community and that is what has been done.”


Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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