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Jul 3, 2023

Taiwan Offers Opportunities to Build Capacity of the Belize Coast Guard

Elton Bennett

In September of last year, a memorandum of understanding was signed with the Taiwanese Ocean Affairs Council at the Belize Coast Guard headquarters. This visit furthered those discussions that looked at marine science matters, to expertise in maritime law enforcement and combating narco trafficking at sea. As it currently stands there are several coast guard personnel studying in Taiwan. Coast Guard Commandant Elton Bennett says that training opportunities will help to building the capacity of the coast guard and other maritime focused agencies.


Rear Admiral Elton Bennett, Commandant, Belize Coast Guard

“Four coast guard officers in Taiwan on long-term courses; we are looking at five years. We have one senior officer there as well, Lieutenant Commander Alma Pinelo, who is there for a year and half; she returns in August.  But this visit really offers more than those two programs that we are currently benefiting from. The Ocean Affairs Council offers broad area in terms of marine science and reserve, a lot of conservation education that the Belize Coast Guard is very interested in. What’s very important here is what the Ocean Affairs Council has to offer is broader than just the Belize Coast Guard and so in turn, we’ll be able to offer some of these opportunities to the different maritime sectors in Belize – the Port Authority, the fisheries department, etc – all of those maritime-focused agencies will be able to benefit through this MOU and be able to tap into that very, very crucial agency or ministry that exists in Taiwan.”

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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