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Oct 17, 2023

Korean Youths Visit Belize for Youth Exchange

There was a brief meeting today at the Marion Jones Sporting Complex between visiting youths from Korea and officials of the Ministry of Sports. The youths are in Belize on a cultural exchange program with their Belizean peers. They have planned a day of activities in Belize City and tours across the country before they depart next week. It’s all part of an effort to have Belizean youths share their culture with other youths from abroad. Today News Five spoke with Minister of Youth, Rodwell Ferguson about the exchange.


Rodwell Ferguson

Rodwell Ferguson, Minister of Youth, Sports

“I made contact with them sometime last year through Mr. Jermaine, who is originally from Jamaica, but he’s the country director for the International Youth Fellowship. It’s a Christian organization. What they do, every year they travel around the world to assist or to meet new people and to understand and engage in their culture. And then I was able to visit the headquarters last year where there’s a grand finale where all young people from around the world, maybe 3, 000 of them come and have a big fellowship together. So it’s a very wonderful idea. I’m hopeful that one of these days, Belizean students can go likewise to Korea. Because the cost is so expensive, we have to plan in advance on how we can send a team of young people to Korea.”

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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