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Oct 19, 2023

Israel Ambassador to CARICOM Holds Press Conference

On Wednesday, Itai Bardov, the Ambassador of Israel to CARICOM, hosted a virtual press conference to speak with reporters about Israel’s defense against Hamas terrorist attacks and the country’s operation “Iron Sword”. The ambassador explained that after Israel disengaged from Gaza in 2005, his nation was applauded by international communities. He asserted that Hamas is a terrorist organization committed to the elimination of Israel. According to Ambassador Bardov, Israelis lived believing that Hamas would not do anything to endanger its own leadership and individuals from Gaza working in Israel. That was until October seventh.


Itai Bardov

Itai Bardov, Ambassador of Israel to CARICOM

“October seventh proved us wrong. The attack that Hamas did was a huge change in our mindset, a game changer for us. We are not the same Israel we were before October seventh. It also includes the way we see the conflict with Hamas. The terrorist attacks by different tactics, by ground, air , sea, that infiltrated Israel, the numbers that we assume, because we don’t know exactly, we assume it was between fifteen hundred to eighteen hundred terrorist of Hamas that infiltrated Israel and started to attack different communities that reside near to the Gaza strip. It also included an attack on a music festival, a dance festival for peace where they murdered more two hundred and sixty people, raped young women there and continued with their atrocities in different areas. This is the image of the communities next to Gaza before the attack and after, October sixth and October seventh. The immense destruction, the immense destruction the terrorist perpetrated is unbelievable. They destroyed all the communities, the villages, the towns.”

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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