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Nov 3, 2023

Against All Odds: The Bright Side of Rhema Cutkelvin

This week’s Look on the Bright Side features a remarkable young woman who serves as a beacon of inspiration to her peers and educators. Her journey has been marked by defying numerous odds from the early stages of her life. Tonight, we share the remarkable story of how this determined teenager has captured the hearts of many by fearlessly sharing her dreams and making them a reality.  Rhema Cutkelvin is a beautiful dreamer, and in this week’s edition of “The Bright Side,” you may just learn a few valuable lessons from her journey. Here’s that story.


Sabreena Daly, Reporting

Rhema Cutkelvin is spreading the school spirit around campus, fulfilling one of her many dreams as a cheerleader.


Kurt Cutkelvin

Kurt Cutkelvin, Father
“She was always practicing at home, flipping all over the place, doing all the splits and everything like that. Then somebody saw her at PE and went to get the coach and next thing you know, she was on the middle school cheerleading team. So, that was the first breakthrough that she knew that she could do what she set her mind to.”


Her presence has had a profound impact on Judson High, positively influencing the school atmosphere by promoting inclusivity and interaction among students, including those with disabilities.


Amy Paul

Amy Paul, Adaptive PE Teacher, Judson High School

“Everybody knows who she is, um, and she has changed the hallways of Judson High School. People are more apt to reaching out to her, speaking to her, speaking to her classmates who also have disabilities, including them in activities whether it’s just general education activities or creating a new opportunity that is specific to her population.”


Kurt Cutkelvin

“What makes Rhema special is that she is lovable. She is irresistible. Um, and, and she has, uh, this capacity to dream. And once she dreams, somehow or the other, people come to her aid to get what she’s dreaming about to become a reality.”


Sabreena Daly

“Do you love Belize Rhema?”


Rhema CutKelvin, Inspiration at her school
 “I do love Belize.”


Rhema was born to Belizean parents, Kurt and Petronella Cutkelvin, but resides in the United States. Her father recalled receiving the news that his daughter would be born with a heart defect and Down Syndrome. Despite being offered the option of abortion, Rhema’s parents firmly believed that she was a divine gift from God.


Kurt Cutkelvin
“Once my wife, who was over forty, got pregnant, they said, Hey, you could exercise your options. And then when they realized that she had down syndrome, they said, hey, you can exercise your option. And then when they realized that she was being born with a heart defect, they said you could really exercise your options. We chose not to exercise the option because we know that children are a gift from the Lord. And so here she came.”


Since birth, Rhema has undergone as many as twenty-eight surgeries.  Nonetheless, her infectious spirit shines through in special moments such as the great joy she experienced when she heard through a hearing aid for the very first time.

Rhema Cutkelvin,

“Oh! I’m So Happy!”


If you ask Rhema’s father, he would tell you that she has a way of speaking her dreams into existence.


Kurt Cutkelvin

“She always said, Hey, I am going to do great things in high school and say I’m going to go to the Special Olympic Games, the US National Special Olympic Games and lo and behold, she was selected as a delegate to go to that game in Orlando, Florida. She was the Texas delegate as far as the unified Olympic games.”


Amy Paul

“Summer of 2022, Rima and her partner, Alyssa Keen, were invited. Um, per recommendation of Special Olympics, Texas to represent the state and the district and her school, um, at the USA Special Olympics Games hosted in Orlando, Florida. And what that looks like was going to the USA Games for nine days, um, and being around delegates from all the other 50 states and some countries, um, interacting with them, the unified pairs from those countries and states to develop ideas and bring back to their schools and communities on how to implement inclusion.”


After realizing her second dream, Rhema returned with a vision to push inclusion even further at Judson High. She later met Queen of The Bay, Maslin Hanson and set her sights on a new dream.


Kurt Cutkelvin

“Then now, um, here comes the homecoming queen issue. We had Maslin Hanson here in San Antonio for the September celebrations to grace us with her presence. And when she was here, Rhema said, I want to be a queen too. And then she said, I’m going to be the homecoming queen.”


Amy Paul

“They spent a week campaigning with posters, passing out candy and she had her classmates out in the hall screaming “Vote for Rhema” all week and at lunch. And then the student body voted at the end of the week.”


You can guess the outcome. Rhema Cutkelvin was recognized as this year’s Homecoming Queen.


Amy Paul
“Rhema is a blessing. She has warmed my heart. She touches my heart. Um, made me cry a few times because she is uplifting. Um, there have been days where it’s been long and dragging and I know that when I see her, everything is okay. Um, because… This young lady who’s been through a whole lot can continue to smile. So the rest of us can as well.”


And…Rhema continues to dream. She is currently a senior at her high school with big dreams of going to college.


Sabreena Daly

“What’s the big dream now after you graduate?”


Rhema Cutkelvin

“ I’m going to Texas State University. My sister goes too, and I’m going to study music.”


Kurt Cutkelvin

“That’s good. Texas State University to study music. That’s her plan.”


If history repeats itself, we can anticipate the outcome. Looking on the Bright Side, I’m Sabreena Daly.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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