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Nov 13, 2023

Coast Guard Will Deploy 20 Members To Haiti

Elton Bennett

Haitian Prime Minister, Ariel Henry called for international deployment of armed forces to Haiti more than a year ago to tackle, the upheaval on the island nation. In the absence of a functioning government, the state’s institutions have collapsed, including the police. But there is hope for Haiti as the UN Security Council voted last month to deploy a non-UN multinational force to Haiti. Belize will join the efforts to assist the troubled Caribbean nation with the deployment of a joint B.D.F./Coast Guard team. Rear Admiral Elton Bennett who commands the Belize Coast Guard also told the media that members of the coast guard have always been willing to assist in these kinds of operations.


Rear Admiral Elton Bennett, Commandant, Belize Coast Guard

“We have committed a team from the Belize Coast Guard to join the contingent going over to Haiti. Along with the B.D.F, we’ll be forming a team under the CARICOM brigade. So we have committed twenty members of the Belize Coast Guard, for the initial deployment, whenever that time comes.”



“Were people actually offering to go, volunteering?”


Rear Admiral Elton Bennett

“Members of the Coast Guard are very excited about operations and opportunities to serve, to serve and achieve the government’s objective, which is assisting a fellow CARICOM country. So, yes, indeed, they were all excited about being the first to deploy out to Haiti. What we do know, it’s going to be a long deployment. It’s going to be a very extended operation to achieve stability in Haiti, so I’m sure different members of the Coast Guard will have that opportunity to contribute to the stability of Haiti.”

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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