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Nov 15, 2023

How Long Will Suspension of Diplomatic Ties with Israel Last?

Earlier today, the United Democratic Party issued a statement expressing concern over government’s decision to suspend diplomatic ties with Israel.  The press release goes on to say, “We believe that maintaining open channels of communication is vital for fostering understanding and working towards a lasting solution to conflicts.  It is our firm stance that Belize’s best interest lies in maintaining diplomatic relationships with a diverse array of nations, promoting international cooperation, and safeguarding our national security and sovereignty”.  While with Foreign Minister Courtenay, we took the opportunity to ask how long the suspension will remain in effect.


Isani Cayetano

“Insofar as the diplomatic measures taken against Israel, how long do we foresee that those will remain in place?”


Eamon Courtenay

Eamon Courtenay, Minister of Foreign Affairs

“Well that is under review.  We have made the decisions that we have made based on the facts as we know them today.  Unless and until Israel starts to abide by its obligations as a matter of international law and as a member of the world community, Belize will not have diplomatic relations and diplomatic contact with Israel.  Until there is peace in Gaza, until the rights of the Gazan people, the Palestinian people to exercise their right to self-determination for a two-state solution, for them to continue to act the way they are acting, to behave the way they are behaving, we do not believe that it is in the interest of Belize which is a peace loving country, a country that respects international, a country that abides by the norms of international statecraft, we do not believe that we should be having contact with them.”


Isani Cayetano

“Belize’s position nonetheless has taken traction elsewhere.  Media covering this entire ongoing issue have been looking to Belize as a country that has taken a bold step.  What are your thoughts on the fact that interest is being paid to our position, perhaps regionally or in other parts of the world?”


Eamon Courtenay

“I find it interesting that they are not broadcasting what the Leader of the Opposition has said.  They are broadcasting the steps taken by the government in a positive light because anyone who has a modicum of humanity, any soul, any heart, any brain would understand that what is happening in Gaza is criminal.”

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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