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Nov 15, 2023

Eamon Courtenay on G.O.B.’s Decision, “We consulted widely.”

Eamon Courtenay

In some corners of the diplomatic community, supporters of Israel argue that Belize’s position is unfounded.  According to Senator Courtenay, the advice and opinions of government representatives abroad were sought prior to arriving at that position.  The Briceño administration also took into account the firmly held opinions of past foreign ministers on this very issue.  Senator Courtenay also responded to comments made by Opposition Leader Shyne Barrow on the measures that the People’s United Party government has taken against Israel.


Eamon Courtenay, Minister of Foreign Affairs

“We consulted widely.  We consulted our diplomats, our ambassadors, our foreign service officers on what steps to take.  As you are aware, former foreign ministers, former prime ministers have spoken on this issue and have provided advice and support.  So I think that we have done our part, in terms of analyzing the situation critically.  Looking at the pros and cons and possible reactions to Belize’s decision and on balance we came out that the scales weigh heavily in favor of what we did and I think those who disagree with it are wrong.


Isani Cayetano

“One of those individuals is the Leader of the Opposition who has since come forward to say that the People’s United Party government has been rather extreme in how it has approached with and dealt with this particular issue involving Israel and Hamas/Palestine.”


Eamon Courtenay

“Yes, well I would encourage him to stick to hanging out with P Diddy and doing Disney biopics and that type of thing.  He probably has some failure in that regard and he fails more in governance and understanding foreign policy.  The fact of the matter is that the United Nations General Assembly debated this issue and passed a resolution. The Leader of Opposition is factually and historically on the wrong side of this issue and when history is written, he will be condemned.”

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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