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Dec 10, 2009

Knowles also questioned about equipment serial numbers

Knowles was also questioned about the case of the questionable equipment which the Audit Department found to be without serial numbers. And his responses did not seem to convince Justice Lucas.

Julia Castillo, Commissioner
“Mr. Knowles the equipment that you have that was purchased there, could you shed any light on why all these equipment had no serial number or anything like that?”

Cecil Knowles, Former Director of Finance/Accountant
“They did not have on serial number? I would want say that is not practical. As Ms. Fairweather again this morning explained, we have a fixed asset policy in place that would have several check and balances to ensure that serial numbers were recorded and documented properly and there is no way. I believe what the auditors were informed was that the serial numbers for the monitors that were stolen were not properly recorded in the fixed asset register and when they were stolen it was difficult to trace them. We had to get that information back from the supplier for our investigation. So the serial numbers definitely are available. These equipment, probably the nature of the equipment or whatever, probably did not allow for the serial numbers to be on them outside of the equipment. Probably it’s somewhere and efforts were not made to locate those serial numbers. For instance, if you look at a computer, you would not see the serial number sometimes physically on the case.”

Adolph Lucas
“But some were seen on the others.”

Cecil Knowles
“On the same brand? I do not know. I’m explaining the possibility.”

Adolph Lucas
“You can give a quick answer, man yoh good. To everything you have an answer for.”

Cecil Knowles
“Thank you sir.”

Adolph Lucas
“Yes. It’s a pity auditor didn’t see you to speak with you. Some had and they mentioned it there, some didn’t have.”

The Inquiry continues on Friday morning at nine with testimonies from the hospital’s former Chief Executive Officer, Doctor Alvaro Rosado, as well as from Julian Chell who used to supply the institution with vegetables.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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