Decapitated body found on the Hummingbird Highway
There might well be a fourth murder for this year on the hands of the Police Department. That’s because shortly before five p.m. on Friday, the headless and partially decomposed body of a man was discovered on a feeder road between miles fifty and fifty-one off the Hummingbird Highway. The skull was found suspended by a rope from a nearby tree. The body remains unidentified and was transported to the K.H.M.H. for a post mortem examination. But according to Assistant Superintendent Bart Jones, the Police Department is treating the case as a murder.
Via Phone: A.S.P. Bart Jones, Police Department
“Police from Belmopan visited an area between mile fifty and fifty-one on the Hummingbird Highway and about twenty-feet or so in a track or what you would call a picado, they found a partially decomposed, decapitated body of an apparent male person lying on the ground, by a tree. A skull was seen hanging from a rope tied to a branch of the said tree. Unless otherwise, we suspect foul play until otherwise proven so it is being investigated as a murder until the otherwise is proven.”
Duane Moody
“Has anybody in that area has been reported missing?”
ASP Bart Jones
“In terms of this area, there are no missing persons in this Belmopan area, but we are going to as well wait for information from the post mortem and as well be sending out countrywide to find out if any missing person. In fact we have done some cross check.
What about the boy hyde that have been missing since agri show last year?