Shian White found guilty of beating 2 year old child to death
It was a big story back in 2008 when a two year old girl was beaten to death by her own mother. Today, shortly before three o’clock this afternoon, the trial of Shian White came to an end before Justice Adolph Lucas. A jury of three women and six men deliberated for two hours and found White guilty for the gruesome manner in which her baby girl, Delcy, met her death. White, a resident of Zacaranda Street, was accused of hitting her child in the back of the head with a piece of wood. The incident happened on May eleventh, 2008 and three days later White was charged with manslaughter and not murder. In a caution statement to the police White said that on the morning of May eleventh, she had an argument with her boyfriend, who left and did not come home that night. She admitted she got upset and frustrated and beat the child with a piece of wood and then put her in bed to lie down.

Shian White
in an unsworn statement from the dock, White, who was represented by attorney Phillip Palacio, changed her story and told the court that on the day the child died a friend was at her house. She told the court that the child was sleeping upstairs, that she had spanked her, and told her to go downstairs. When the child did not, she went up stairs and that’s when she saw the child in front of the lower part of the stairway with a plank on top of her. But her friend, Shakira Neal, said she saw the child upstairs covered with a sheet in bed and breathing heavily. Shakira also testified that White ignored the child’s condition and that was when she insisted that Delcy was taken to the K.H.M.H. When Dr. Mario Estradabran testified on Wednesday he gave vivid explanations on the cause of death. He concluded that Delcy died as a result of hemorrhaging as a consequence of trauma to the back of the head caused by a blunt object. As many as fifteen injuries were observed on the child’s body. According to Estradabran if the child had prompt treatment she would have survived. While justice has been served on Delcy, the mother will know her fate on February fourth, when she will be sentenced.
what can a two year old do to deserve such an awful death and what worst her mother ,she should have gave her to me, see ladies men make you do the unthinkable he was not worth beating your child so severley you need help.good luck in prison.RIP little angel.
Justice reigns!
This brings tears to my eyes,as a mother myself I can’t understand why/how can you do this to a child.She deserves everything she receives.Hopes she gets put away for a long time.Rest in Peace baby Delcy !!
these thing r not right, she deserves to b punished to the full extent of the law. i am a mother and would never take my frustrations outs of my kids.
It’s so sad myself as a parent of two children having to read about this mother’s brutal crime. Children are God’s gift to the world and obviously this mother never appreciated that as such. I hope the judge takes no sympathy on judgement day, the same way this mother did on that faithful day. No matter how angry the world makes you, you should never take it out on the innocent, especially your children. She should be forbidden by law to ever have children again.
well hell a child so small suffered a beating like that woul definatly kill her… she should at least get to to twenty years…
she got exactly what she deserves n should have gotten more aint nothin dat could b so wrong that should caz u 2 kill an innocent child n make it worst yr own its just awful
Makes me so sad and angry at the same time! I have seen lots of women taking their stress and frustrations that their husbands give them on the poor innocent children. What wrong could a 2 year old do? Absolutely nothing to deserve a beating to death. I’ll just say this, if you have a boyfriend or are married live with that person first, see how it goes, before you bring an innocent child into an ugly environment. And if you already have a child in those circumstances remember, you can get rid of a looser but your child is your life, CHOOSE YOUR CHILD AND A BETTER LIFE!
She came out and has other kids with her she is doing the same to them