Lancelot caught three times attempting to burglarize Customs

Lancelot Anthony Longsworth
They say try, try and one day you will succeed but it did not turn out quiet that way for a man who was adamant and determined to break into a Customs Department building. Not once, twice but three times and on each attempt he was caught. This past Wednesday police detained the man who allegedly wanted so badly to enter the Custom’s building. He is Lancelot Anthony Longsworth, aka “Didi”. Longsworth appeared in the Belize City Magistrate’s Court this morning before Magistrate Aretha Ford and was charged with attempted burglary. Just before seven this past Wednesday, he was caught by two guards of the Belize Port Security with a crow bar in his hand, allegedly trying to break into a Custom’s building. According to one of the Security guards, Jermaine Martinez, he and Kenrick Bevans were on duty when they spotted Longsworth trying to wrench off the plywood on the rear side of a warehouse located at the Customs compound near the Jane Usher Boulevard side. The culprit made attempts to escape but the guards managed to subdue him and called in the police. They handed him over along with the rusty crow bar. In court, Longsworth pleaded not guilty to the charge and the prosecutor objected to bail on the grounds that the real name of the defendant was not ascertained since he had given police a number of names. Longsworth explain to the court that his mother’s name is Arana but that the name on his social security card is Lancelot Arana Longsworth. The court prosecutor also objected to bail on the grounds that he has a number of other charges pending before the court including burglary and handling stolen goods. Court record also shows that he owes eight hundred dollars for possession of controlled drugs.
i dont know why the authorities here in belize are so soft with this kind of people the should send them directly to jail with no question .Belize have a bad name sake a this type of people and thats why foreign people dont want to come to Belize
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