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Feb 19, 2010

Police officer charged with murder

Richard Polonio

Richard Polonio

Also in court, this morning Justice Troadio Gonzalez empanelled the jury to hear the case against interdicted officer Richard Polonio, who was attached to the patrol branch. Polonio was initially charged with manslaughter but that charge was changed to murder and the trial started promptly. Polonio is accused in the shooting death of Carmen Herrera, a Belize City man who was shot in the head on August fourth, 2008 in the area of the Swing Bridge. At the time, police claimed Carmen was armed with a gun when he ran from them. Relatives, however, say he was unarmed. The prosecutor, Yohhahnseh Cave, called his first witness to the stand, Edward Herrera, the brother of deceased. The case will continue on Monday when other witnesses will take the stand. Polonio is being represented by Attorney, Dickie Bradley.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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6 Responses for “Police officer charged with murder”

  1. sammy sosa says:

    Every damn police have the right to do things in Belize city,i think that the people need to start a protest against the police cause they rob your rights and cant even stand to them for your own rights.

  2. Jessica says:

    Every Police thinks they have the authority to do WHATEVER they want especially harassing young ladies, even though they don’t have their uniforms…. worse when they are DRUNK!!!!

  3. lex says:

    Yes i think we do need to start a protest against the police.I know mr.polonio i met him in prison while i was locked up for a crime of which I was wrongfully charged in 2009. I can say that mr.polonio was an ok guy to be around as far as character. I dont know if he is innocent or not,you gots to look at bouth sides of the story.There are lots of police who abuse there power and rob us of our rights. Mr.polonio is not one of them.Its like they say the good suffer for rhe bad.The youths need to stand up for there rights by reporting police abuse thats the only way to get rid of the bad cops.

  4. jackie lopez says:

    u right the police thing that thay could do anything thay want and it ok…belize need to get all them funny ass police out of there and the people of belize need to come together and protest for realy…because thay r some bull ship police..and thay no this.

  5. jannyb says:

    We need to look at ourself first before we talk and point fingers on the police department. Put yourself in the shoes of the police officers and see what you will do and deal with different situation.

  6. sexykrys says:

    I can safely say that i met Richard and to be real he is not the type to take people life if u meet him u will find that out on ur own…We cant be pointing fingers 4 real!!!! who are we to jude anyone? I think what has been done was done and the man has a family of his own u should leave him to be…”Stop watching his life and start minding ur OWN”

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