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Feb 19, 2010

Dwayne Evelyn charged with murder of Peter Myvett

Peter Myvett

Peter Myvett

Four men have been charged in connection with two murders this week.  In the first instance, Dwayne Evelyn was arraigned before Chief Magistrate Margaret Gabb this afternoon for Wednesday’s shooting murder of twenty-two year old Peter Myvett on Kutt Avenue. Myvett was washing a bus near his house when he was shot by gunmen on bicycles at around midday. While he would not say what led police to Evelyn’s arrest, Investigating Officer, Inspector Sinquest Martinez said police relied on their own intelligence.

Sinquest Martinez, Investigating Officer, CIB, Belize City

“Fortunately, pertaining to Peter Myvette, we had police in that area and that helped tremendously into that investigation, tremendously pertaining to the police.”

Marion Ali

“Have you all gotten access to video tapes that captured a suspicious-looking burgundy colour SUV just seconds before in the same vicinity – it passed very slow just seconds before Myvette was shot.”

Sinquest Martinez

“I know where you’re coming from ma’am but I don’t want to make comment on that.”

Marion Ali

“Are you still looking for one of his very good friends or do you believe you have the gunman here?”

Sinquest Martinez

“Our evidence is showing that we have the gunman.  Yes there’s another person but we have dealt with that matter likewise.”

Evelyn was in the news last year for the robbery of Dave’s Furniture World. He and a minor were jointly charged but were able to secure bail.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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2 Responses for “Dwayne Evelyn charged with murder of Peter Myvett”

  1. jessica says:

    they police just pick up people and charge them . i could put my head on the block and say that it’s not Dwayne did this shooting.he is not that that type of person.they just want totell tell the public that they found someone.

  2. Strong Gyal says:

    thats true

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