“Ham” and “Tono” accused of shooting at tour guide

Michael "Ham" Young
There was a shooting in Belize City that has landed a repeat offender before the courts. In the wee hours of Saturday morning, residents of the Elston Kerr Street area were awaken by sounds of gunshots as two alleged gunman opened fire but missed their intended target, a city tour guide. One of the men accused of pulling the trigger is twenty-five year old Michael Young a.k.a. Ham who was only last Friday, charged with failure to report to the police as a deportee. The new charge against him is for the aggravated assault of Dennis Tillett. Tillett claims that shortly after midnight, he was in the company of friends on Antelope Street Extension when he spotted a man he recognized as Anthony Soberanis, aka “Tono” pull out what appeared to be a gun and point it in his direction. Fearing for his life, he looked away but came face-to-face with Ham who also pointed a firearm in his direction. Tillett says he sought refuge at a nearby home but as he fled he heard shots fired at him. Police picked up Ham and are now looking for Tono.
Unfortunately, most people in Belize prison are in for petty crimes like mugging. It’s these people who make bad decisions that clog our courts and prisons.
The fact is that despite our astronomical incarceration rate, we still have high crime. This clearly shows that incarceration cannot serve as a deterrent.
The problem lies with the fact that the Belize. Judicial system has only two very broad options when dealing with crime: fines, incarceration.
Does punishment and fine achieve anything?
The simple answer is NO. It is a con trick because they cannot or do not wish to find better solutions.
We would almost certainly see a reduction in crime if the death penalty or harsh beating was incorporated into that society.
why doesn’t the goverment approve to hang criminals now when crime is rising extremley. it can make a statement to the criminals out there. but make it public disregarding what human right would appeal to stop it. come on we needto do something for the sake of our children and the youths coming up.
Crime is a business like everything else, unfortunately innocent citizens are often caught in the middle. Look at who own the prison, the government actions is to keep poor people needing them, give them a little smile in their faces promise them the world just for them to keep quiet while they plot and scheme how to steal more money from us.
I agree and I have been saying this over and over, HANG DEM ????!!!!
I am so tired of this men shooting like if they have no sense and innocent people getting hurt or killed like if they are birds.Once one criminal get hang they will know that this is serious business and they will stop all this craziness
What does human rights say or do when a inocent person gets killed?????
we need to impliment coporal punishment….lash the rapist, beat the thief, and have the murderes hang and for the robbers put them to work in the canals and if they try to escape SHOOT them.
hanging can never be the solution. besides how many innocent people have been vindicated of crimes they didnt commit in the past? come on now. The solution lies in prevention and wise investment, good governance and the ability to make right decisions for all concerned, personal responsibility for our actions and how we affect others. don’t blame the government for being poor, find a solution to your problem instead of sitting under a coconut tree, smoking weed and drinking with your homies or gambling on dominoes with the little money you won’t have tomorrow.
Start executing these guys.