America’s Most Wanted capture in Belize special airing on Channel 5

John Walsh
America’s Most Wanted’s Host John Walsh was in Belize in early February. His show trumpeted an international manhunt for a sly child molester who fled the United States. The hunt for convicted sex offender, Robert Snyder, came to an end in Belize. While in the jewel, Snyder started to tutor at four primary schools. While the show aired, a primary school student recognized the fugitive as a chess tutor to several of her classmates, and that led to Snyder’s capture by local cops. Walsh’s visit to Belize surrounds the capture of Snyder and interviews with the police department, the Regional Security Officer of the U.S. State Department’s Diplomatic Security Service and the star of the episode Cree Young, the student who made the capture possible. And as Walsh pointed out during the taping of the episode, you can watch on Saturday night at nine p.m., right here on Five.
John Walsh, Host, America’s Most Wanted (February 03, 2009)
“I’m here to celebrate a great capture. I’ve been looking for a convicted child molester named Robert Snyder for years. He fled from the United States. He was a chess teacher and he molested several boys and he fled the United States and we found out that he came here to Belize. I’ve caught fugitives all over the world. They go to a smaller country and think that they can hide; they can melt away into society. I think Miguel Segura said it best, the Assistant Commissioner, he said this sends a message to fugitives who think they can hide in Belize. They can run here but they can’t hide.”
“I’m John Walsh and I’m here in Belize because the Belize Police helped me take down an international fugitive. Watch America’s Most Wanted right here on Channel Five.”
Don’t forget to tune in at nine on Saturday night, to watch how the Hummingbird Elementary School Student brought the fugitive to justice.
Glad to see another crazy fool off the streets of the world. I thank my Belizean people for coming forth with leads that lead to the capture of this person.
There’s a whole lot more of those people in the country of Belize,if we all just look deeper within our surroundings,job well done to those that brought him down.Now lets find the remainder of them that useses Belize as a safe haven for the crimes they commit else where.The same thing they do here in the states is the same thing they’re going to do in Belize.Lets protect our families and our neighbors.
Well, it’s all true. Most outsiders that come to Belize and find it to be a paradise stay, but almost, not all of them, runaway from their countries leaving everything behind trying to cover up the damage they owe to their country. what makes them believe that Belize is the ideal place to hide? even being a third world country doesn’t keep them from being noticed. It’s a amall place to run my friends.
Mr. Walsh is doing a great n priceless contribution to the world cleaning up those who abuse children of their innocence (male n male), kill, rape. keep it up n may the almighty give u strength 2 help who cant help themselves.