Cayo singer gets 4 ½ years for robbing 6 credit unions in Canada

Emelda Marie Cuddy
She was a rising star on the local music scene who sought fame and fortune abroad. Instead, Cayo’s Maria Reimer found herself in a Canadian jail, charged with the armed robbery of six Winnipeg Credit Unions. Reimer, moved from San Ignacio to Canada where she married and later separated from her husband .She took his last name and is now known as Emelda Marie Cuddy. At some point Cuddy attended university in Canada but according to press reports, may have developed a drug habit and fell in with a bad crowd. Winnipeg police say that between July and December of 2007, six credit unions were robbed, with thieves taking a total of over thirty-five thousand dollars. On Wednesday, she was sentenced to a four and a half year prison term. “I love you,” were the words that a tearful Cuddy told more than thirty supporters who filled a provincial court for her emotionally charged sentencing hearing. The twenty-six year old blew a kiss to everyone as she was led away in handcuffs to begin serving the four and a half year prison term.
This is your wake up call. Get cleaned and ask for forgiveness to the almighty. So sad….
A collaboration with Shyne on his new album would be SWEET!
i feel so sad for what is happening to marie… she was so sweet and talented young girl when we were at high school..its hard to believe what she has done to herself..prayers for her..
if she would have been in belize, some people would bark BLAME THE GOVERNMENT!! but see for yourself people,it is about the choices we make, nobody is to blame but you yourself, so when our black young men and women kill, take drugs rob,hold up people, kill their children it is them that chose to do it, so they have to pay the consequences of their choices!! stop blame somebody for anybody bad choices!!
Yes , collaboration with Shyne !!!!! If anything she’ll get out of jail, come to Belize and be a hero
Just messing around guys, don’t get on my back
well to be honest and truthful, she got wat she was looking 4 & should have gotten more prison term, she an adult new it was wrong wat she did. have no pity 4 her. sad but reality.
We went to primary as well has high school together. I feel bad for her but like they say “what you do here on earth you pay here on earth”. She always acted like she was better that others; always looked down on those who had less than her and treated others badly. “She was so sweet” they say, well maybe to those who were just like her. I’m sure many, many people are thinking that she got what she deserves. I feel bad for her but she brought it upon herself… I feel sorry for her….
i don’t feel sorry for her at all
None of you know the story, Emelda is a great person and still is to this day. For those of you that support her I thank you. Don’t count her out just yet, she is still a strong woman. Just because the justice system doesnt always work in our country either, doesnt mean she will quit working on her music. I still believe she will drop another CD. Peace to all, and I know Emelda would send out Mad love to her supporters, and to the doubters, thats ok, you will see that this was not what the press painted it out to be.
where can you get or download some of her past mp3s ???