Belmopan Comprehensive School teacher killed in accident
News Five was called out to the scene of a fatal accident in Saint Matthews Village at mile thirty-nine on the Western Highway at around two o’clock this afternoon. When we arrived at the scene three injured persons, believed to be American tourists, were being pulled from the wreckage. They were later transported to the Karl Heusner Memorial Hospital by BERT personnel. By that time, four teachers from Belmopan Comprehensive School were already en route to Belize City and what was left of their vehicle and the blood stained clothing that remained at the scene were clear signs of a human tragedy. The tourists were reportedly coming from the direction of Belmopan in a Ford Explorer and Eomi Quetzal, Andrea Gonzalez, Ulyses Augustine and Carlisle Grinage, were travelling back to the capital city in a Toyota Corolla after a teacher’s retreat.
Denroy Tillett, Principal Belmopan Comprehensive School

Denroy Tillett
“I got an anonymous call from someone that stated it seems like four of my teachers were in an accident. We were at a retreat at Cedar Cabins through the Jaguar Paw Road and I immediately ran to my car—a teacher and myself—and we drove there and we arrived there the same time the ambulance arrived. We noticed that it was indeed four of my teachers in a car and two apparently Americans in an explorer and there was an accident. I tried to help the ambulance people take them out and we noticed right away checking pulse and vital organs that one of them had died on the spot, that Carlisle Grinage. I assisted them in taking out the other two teachers that they placed on stretchers and then waited for the next ambulance to come and they rushed them here. The third one, they had to cut him out of the car but they got him out. All three are alive. Up to this point, the report from the doctor is that one of them just underwent an emergency surgery because she had some internal bleeding but that is already taken care of. The other two did a C&T just to check their limbs and organs. Apparently, they have hurt their back real badly but all three of them are alive and they say stable.”
The initial reports are that the SUV lost control and swerved into car before coming to rest on the roadside with extensive damage to it right side. The Corolla, on the other hand, was totalled on impact.
Denroy Tillett
“Well I know the driver and I don’t think she’s someone to speed. As a matter of fact, she is not someone who drinks either so I don’t believe she was speeding. Where the accident happened is just going over a small hill so it’s like a blindside coming over and I suspect that was probably what caused it. I’m no road traffic expert but it seems that someone had lost control, one of the two seemed to have lost control and that cause the accident because of the blindside too.”
We were told by one of the persons that assisted them out of the vehicle that his neck was broken and he had several shattered bones. The extent of injuries suffered by the other six persons has not yet been ascertained and police investigations are at an early stage as the scene was still being processed up to this evening.
My condolence goes to the Grinage family.That’s my boy i mean mi baly.
What a tragedy. Really!!
The last time I was in Belize, I was very much surprised to see the speed the vehicles travel on the Western Highway. I would like to see the government reduce the speed of travel. There is no regard for life and limb. When I was learning to drive, the first thing I was told that whenever you are approaching a curve, SLOW DOWM as you have no idea what you will run into around the curve, and yet drivers on the western highway ignore this rule – not all drivers, but a lot of them do ignore the rule. I really hope something be done about the speed on this road. I’ve seen how they drive for myself in 2001 when I was out there on the road.
i noe grinage
I really feel sad about it. and hope that they all get better soon.
I want to extend my deepest condolences to the Grinage family in Belize. They became family to me when I spent 3 weeks with them in their home in 2008. It is then that I met Carlisle. He struck me then as a good father and brother and son. I watched as he fathered his children with patience and love. My prayers are for the family and especially my dear friend Emma.
Its a sad day when we lose excellent teachers, but God really loved him more than anyone else, therefore Gods know best and takes away the best,RIP
My prayers goes up to the golden throne for a speedy recovery for the others.
Carlisle was a passionate teacher who took his job as a part of who he was. overall, he was just a beautiful human being. Thank god suemi, andrea and ulyses are on the road to recovery. Compre is in devastation over our loss. R.I.P. CArlisle
We are very sad off hearing the news.I will remember all the time we stay at there house on week ends, when i was younger.Have not see my little family in yrs.I love you all .My condolences to my family.Love you all, will be calling.LOVE to Grinage family.From your family in the USA.LOVE from aunt ENIDand family.
We grew up together infant school thru chompreensive high school always been humble quick to help out been there. For me and everyone my taken from us too early my deepest codolences to the Grinage family.
God knows why he took mr. Grinage from us, he was the best teacher ever, I am at University right now, and in my mind I always say whenever I need a recommendation for a job he was the first one i would go to. If it wasn’t for him, I wouldnot have gotten into univrsity I ent way at his house for him to sign my recommendation. This si one thing that will live with me for the rest of my life. I really am sad about it, I wish he had lived, but God knows why. My deepest sympathy goes out to his family, hope that u guys stay strong, just hold on guys, everything is gonna be fine. with love. I really misses mr. Grinage, I still don’t believe that he went left us, that God had called him so soon. Rest in peace sir as I always call u dir.
wow unbelievable…i use to go to to compre but later moved to the u.s and knew mr grinage….great teacher and person…may he rest in peace an prayers for the family!!! god knows what he does…it was probably for the best
i hope the Grinage family will be strong for each other
Words cannot express the deep heartache that i am feeling but i know that isn’t a fraction of the pain that his family must be dealing with. It is true that only God knows why and saddens me that this has to be the end result. Mr. Grinage was a phenomenal teacher and friend to me and he will ALWAYS live in my heart.
Best wishes goes out to Soemi my next door neighbor, Ulyses and Andrea. God bless and a speedy recovery to you all.
Our deepest condolences to the entire Grinage family. You all are in our prayers. He was my neighbor and childhood friend and the same quiet, humble and friendly guy everyone came to know, respect and love. You’ll always be remembered and missed. To the family I pray that God may comfort and bless you all during these dark and difficult days. I encourage you to grieve in your own time and way for Carlisle. Don’t let anyone dictate how long or when you should grieve… just let go and let God see you through – He will if you let him. Our Deepest Sympathy.
Iwas heartbroken when i heard of his death. I knew him from Compre and he is my best friends cousin. She is so hurt. He was a good person. Best wishes to the family.
too bad Skrim wasnt in the ride
no way