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Mar 18, 2010

Kevin Arnold robs businessman of fried chicken

Kevin Arnold

Kevin Arnold

He pulled off a brazen act when he ordered a fry chicken, grabbed it and ran away without paying.  When the proprietor set chase after him and caught up with him, he pulled a weapon that turned out to be a “Toy gun” but the Chinese businessman ran in fear for his life. Today, twenty seven year-old Kevin Arnold, aka “Four Five”, appeared before the Belize City Magistrate’s Court where he had to answer to two criminal charges: aggravated assault and theft. He pleaded guilty and will spend months behind bars for the five dollar fry chicken. According to Kevin Ghau of Belizean Chinese Fast Food located on Cemetery Road, after the incident last Tuesday night at the restaurant, he pursued Arnold and caught up with him on South Street, some ten blocks away from Cemetery Road.  Minutes later the police arrived and Arnold was detained. While Arnold pleaded guilty to both charges even before the facts were read, he claimed in court that he was beaten badly by police and Ghau but Magistrate Sharon Frazer told him his actions were unjustifiable. From there it went downhill for him and when the Magistrate viewed his record she found that that he had been before the court on ten occasions and had three previous convictions. She imposed a sentence of one year for aggravated assault and another year for theft to run concurrently. The records also showed that Arnold owed for two of his previous convictions and for that he will have to spend seven months.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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6 Responses for “Kevin Arnold robs businessman of fried chicken”

  1. Proud Belizean??? says:

    So a hungry man will spend a year in prison for stealing fried chicken? 1,095 free meals will now be paid for by the honest working man. Beaten while in police custody, shows up to court w/ visible bruises to have his abuse complaints/defense dismissed by the judge. With an extensive sheet of offenses I’ve got to admit that I am at a lost for a solution for this is tragic comedy. There are so many things wrong w/ this picture.

  2. CEO says:

    Only one thing wrong Proud Belizean! Let me put it this way: “thou shal not steal”.

    By the way who said justice and law enforcement was free? If you support this kind of behavior then you too is also a menace to our Belizean society!

    Good job by the PD! I hope you guys can also clean up the ranks and make Belize a safer and prosperous place for all!

  3. macal rivera says:

    this dah shit, look at this strong healthy man stealing one 5.00 fry chicken, this big man could work, he no have to thief, shame on him, there is no excuse, look at him, men, he just naturally BAD,BAD,
    Hope they put him to work hard in prison for his food.

  4. michael says:

    I realy think that Belize should go back to Capital punishment,Every day i read the Belize news in New York i,m amaze off all the crimes.I Would like to challenge all the powers to be to stop letting America deport all these lowlifes back to our beautiful country like so many other Caribbean countries now that do not accept these non contributing,do not want to be anything in life,lazy but want money lowlives.

  5. Therese says:

    A waunda if emeh get fu eat the chicken any at all. eh thief the chicken, get wah good beating & gon dah jail wid out enjoying the chicken, might as well emeh pay fu the food & get fu enjoy it, how stupid can one be.

  6. keisha says:

    well mr ceo look yes thou shalt not steal but the police department had no right to put their hands on him. and as for the justice departmen all of them need to be punish. the government as well. until its one of them that the police beat up or the streets murder. only then they will things change in belize.

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