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Home » People & Places » Hubert E. Elrington wanted by the US
Mar 22, 2010

Hubert E. Elrington wanted by the US

There has been an overflow of fugitives who have absconded from the United States and sought refuge in Belize.  Most of them have been Americans wanted for serious charges such as murder and child abuse to lesser crimes.  Tonight another fugitive is being sought by the United States and his name is Hubert E. Elrington.  According to the documents Elrington is believed to be hiding out in Belize and prosecutors in Ohio have issued a request for the issuance of a Federal Unlawful Flight to Avoid Prosecution Warrant.  But it’s not the outspoken attorney or the former government minister who has recently been leading the charge to make amendments to the way the cane industry is governed.  News Five spoke to the attorney who confirmed that the man authorities are seeking is the son of one of his brothers’.  It is alleged that the accused Elrington who was born on October eight, 1985, was involved in a home invasion in the Ohio State University area on July fifteenth 2007. A video game which was dropped during the flight from the scene was positively identified to have Elrington’s fingerprints.  According to the letter by Ron O’ Brien, a prosecuting attorney for, Franklin County, Ohio, Elrington was found in possession of a laptop that was taken during a similar incident. O’Brien’s office intends have Elrington extradited back to the U.S.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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13 Responses for “Hubert E. Elrington wanted by the US”


    well send him to the u.s we’re tired of having criminals in belize nd crimes that can’t be resolved.
    make the yankees deal with him fully.

  2. Bulba Martinez says:

    I totally agree with you Belizean Pride, these thugs or cowards involve themselves in criminal acts in other countrys and run back to Belize for shelter and contaminate the other idiots in Belize that our government is not able to flush down the sewer. It don’t matter if this accused criminal is the former Minister’s nephew , mek ih roll an face justice dah States.

  3. Elgin says:

    These dumb Ministers in Belize are the ones who signed the treaty with America to have Belizean Citizens extradited to the US.Just good that one of their own have to face extradition to the US.

  4. laura says:

    i agree with the system send them back where they commit the crime an stp giving belive a bad name.

  5. Aztorea says:

    Ok… dumbies..
    1.His sister Ashanti Elrington Called the fbi on her own Brother for rewared her facebook…
    2. He’s a belizean 100% born and grew up here..
    3. He’s a victim of racisim, it’s Ohio get a clue
    4. Dont let the media sensationalize everything for u…
    5. As his legal councel and family we’ll fight this all the way…
    6. The evidence is inconsistent and his paper work proves it..

  6. LeArN 2 ReAd says:

    Wow! people will believe anything as long as it is on the internet! Cant you see what is happening to the men of Belize. the same thing that has been happen to black men in Us for decades. They are lockin all the black men up or letting them kill each other off. Regardless of whether most the elrington bad apples dont mean they all are. Look at Shyne got more time than any other rapper for same crime and then deported illegally. Us steals from your land and you repay them with your own natives. This is crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How does anything in this article even add up… People should not be tried once they leave the counrty especially if they didnt do anything but be black while breathing! Wake up.

  7. Brenda L says:

    Yeah they need to send him back to the US, so they could deal with him… Belize dont need to deal with all that legal issues.

  8. cg says:

    called the fbi on your own brother for money? don’t elrington have money? mein, talk about harsh. if he’s innocent, hope it all works out.

  9. CRAZY TALK! says:

    cg i agree…we all know dem elringtons got money and how you think they get it and keep it…by doin the low down grimy work that the christians wont do!!!! his sis was raised BY THEM and he the black sheep not raised by them and they want to make a example of him. I hope that this as well will work out for him and his family… they surrender there own fam and they make deal wit us. if belize allow this wat will be next. you really think wat happened to SHYNE was fair? Do belizeans do not deserve to succeed! belize in us is a wasteland! and the people just slaves to there corporations! sendin him back and gettin this publiced there will only make belize look more pitiful honestly.

  10. Maddyvandijk says:

    The last think Belize need right is another criminal on their rap sheet; give the rest of the world more reason not to want to visit your country.
    Elrington committed a crime in the US then run back to Belize as a safe haven, Belize should not be a safe haven for criminals even if he is a Belizean.
    He should return to the US and deal with this situation, if he is hiding out this gives me enough reason to believe he is guilty, and should be dealt with.
    He is guilty and if he stays in Belize he will be yet another crook on your streets, maybe jail will tame the beast.
    I don’t care who turned him in family or not, they did the right thing.
    Please stop with the race card already, he made the decision to invade a home, and steal, he should darn well be in jail.

  11. badsistah says:

    Okay…I see only a few actually read the article! it says he is wanted in an investigation for burglary! it does not say he did the crime it does not say he will be punished for a crime he did not commit. He hasnt even had a trial. Belize is jumpin to conclusions cuz his job paid him to make a commercial and his blood has elrington and hes black and it says robbery! Read or reread the article! Why does he need to be guilty so bad! I agree if he is gonna serve time he should go to the us! But if he is found innocent in trial…which he black so prolly not. then people should see how this negatively written article was used to divide people. He is christian he has a family he has children he is educated he is employed…why does he deserve this! no one does!

  12. Bad Guy says:

    This response is to Aztorea!
    Directly from people officially associated with Hubert’s case, it was his daughter’s mother who left Belize a few months before because of an misunderstanding between her and Hubert she went back to Ohio and gave the authorities all the information needed to locate him. I’m pretty sure that it was not the sister but instead the “babymama” so to speak.

  13. f u stupid beech says:

    yah okay the baby mama was there? and wat misunderstanding?…keep aztorea name out your mouth cuz we all know you did it! how she know where the f he at? and i see that lil so to speak. yah she not his kid we all know dat too! obviously he believe that she did it and she not his kid so hope yall happy wit yur lil chump change for turnin him in! i guess we c wat happen wen u get to my hood!!!!!

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