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Mar 26, 2010

Musa gets biblical in response to Barrow’s stubborn mule comment

said musa

said musa

But Musa could not end his presentation without addressing the infamous comments by the Prime Minister and directed at him at the last sitting of the House of Representatives. He came armed with quotes of his own but opted to keep it civil in the House.

Said Musa

“I noticed from the last meeting that the honorable prime minister was reading some Afghan literature when he used that disgusting attack on me. Well I would like to advise the honorable prime minister, since he seems to be fond of Khaled Hosseini, to go and read the Kite Runner and go and fly a kite because I will not quote the Afghan literature, I will quote from the book of Proverbs. “The tongue of the wise commends knowledge, but the mouth of a fool gushes folly”. You can call me anything Mr. Speaker—not you, well of course you can call me anything—but they can call me anything, but for me it is mind over matter – I don’t mind and you don’t matter. The people are watching Mr. Speaker; they are the ones who matter.”

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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11 Responses for “Musa gets biblical in response to Barrow’s stubborn mule comment”

  1. cg says:

    lol…oh these kids are so funny!

  2. Informed Belizean says:

    Well said Mr. Musa! Now that is MY Prime Minister!

  3. islander says:

    you go Mr. Musa but some might say it is too late to get biblical!!!!!

  4. Belize It says:

    Well-played. Nonetheless, I would have just ignored it because to acknowledge the fool is to play the fools game.

  5. Jorge D. Aguallo says:

    Everything is based on mind, is led by mind, is fashioned by mind. If you speak and act with a polluted mind, suffering will follow you, as the wheels of the oxcart follow the footsteps of the ox. Everything is based on mind, is led by mind, is fashioned by mind. If you speak and act with a pure mind, happiness will follow you, as a shadow clings to a form.

  6. Melvin Ivan says:

    I believe Mr.Musa should’t compare himself with Mr.Dean Barrow because like the saying says”let there be one fool and not 2.”


    i’m in for the good biblical words mr. musa said but don’t use the bible in vain, the bible is holy and for just political mishap isn’t right to use it. if his intentions was to bring barrow to a wakeup call very good musa. our leaders should fear our Lord Then our country will prosper as a jewel with pride.

  8. Empress says:

    lol I love that quote “I don’t mind and you don’t matter”.. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH Musa I love you but don’t compare with Barrow he is a bloody fool not fool but JackAss. lol

  9. Elgin Martinez says:

    Dean Barrow is the Jackass,had he went throug with the charges against Musa for stealing our money then he wouldn’t have to worry about facing him.

  10. maddyvandijk says:

    Musa what the hell does the “kite runner” has to do with barrow and what he said about you?

    While I reside safely in Europe, my homeland is decimated by constant political whining and name callings, while the streets are now overflowing with crimes, little children are being raped, women raped beaten and murdered. What have you done for the people, lately?

    It is quite obvious that you and Barrow should leave Afghanistan quotes and history alone, and deal with what is more important for the people of Belize, that is where your mind should be, and that should be the only thing that matters.

    You had another chance with the microphone to try to established yourself as a half way decent man, but just couldn’t restrained yourself from attacking barrow. Glad you did though, it betrays your true nature.

  11. CONCERNED says:

    This is wat keeps me smiling. @ idiots making a fool of themselves: one qouting literature n the other qouting the Bible! When all the Bull S*** is over the economy is being crippled and the Crime rate increases! What matters is the People of this country! WAKE UP

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