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Home » Crime » Veteran Court Reporter, Roy Davis, robbed at gunpoint
Mar 29, 2010

Veteran Court Reporter, Roy Davis, robbed at gunpoint

Roy Davis

Roy Davis

With the increase of crime in the city streets, anyone can become a victim at any time.  This weekend, well-known freelance writer, fifty-six year-old Roy Davis, was the victim of a robbery at gunpoint when he was held up on Cemetery Road in the wee hours of Saturday morning. Davis is still in pain after being beaten up and robbed of his bicycle, wallet, ring, watch and fifty dollars in cash. Davis was in the courtroom this morning when Lawrence Dawson, a resident of Cemetery Road and Michael Foreman, a resident of Iguana Street, were charged jointly for robbing him.  Foreman was additionally charged with wounding.  The men were unrepresented in court, they pleaded not guilty and are due back before the court on May twenty-seventh.  According to Davis, in the wee hours of Saturday, he was riding his bicycle on Cemetery Road heading to his West Canal home, when he was approached by three men. One of them held a gun in his direction while the other two cornered him. He claims Dawson struck him in his face and he fell off his bicycle. He ran but Dawson set chase after him and hit him in the back of his head. A taxi that was passing stopped to render assistance but according to Davis, it sped away at the sight of the gun. The taxi man, however, called for police assistance and when they detained Dawson, they found on him Davis’s watch. Foreman was later picked up but the third suspect is still on the loose.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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4 Responses for “Veteran Court Reporter, Roy Davis, robbed at gunpoint”

  1. maddyvandijk says:

    No one is safe in belize anymore, that is the fact.

    glad they caught those fools, and glad no one got killed in this incident.

  2. Elgin Martinez says:

    There is something known as vigilante justice MR Davis ,Get yourself a gun.Apparently the Prime Minister don’t care about the safety of our Citizens.As a result if it means shooting one of the criminals to safe your life,then by any means to so.

  3. J. Guerra says:

    Yet the PM and Perdomo will be cutting the Police dept budget.

  4. Sanjay says:

    Take notice Belizeans. There is one class of people causing this instability………Empower the young with the ability to earn. Is it not obvious that MONEY ior lack there of is the root cause.

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