Who can move the Chief Justice before he’s ready?

Dr. Abdulai Conteh
There was rampant speculation today that Chief Justice Abdulai Conteh had been placed on pre-retirement leave of seventy days. But when we checked the courts we found him sitting on the bench and that in fact a number of cases are yet to be heard by him. As far as we have been able to ascertain the CJ was indeed ordered on leave, but that had to be put off because the CJ is not a public officer. GOB, you see, cannot send him off on leave and neither had he cleared his calendar not did he wish to go on holiday. In fact, when we made further inquiries, there is no precedent to put any judge on pre-retirement leave. So what is the rush? We can’t tell you, but we do know two things: There are still a few government cases to be heard by him and of course, the Attorney General has long ago identified who he would like to see on the bench. All be told, the CJ has said he will retire, but that is when the time is right.
Politricks as usual!
The Belizean Citizens should be able to remove the Chief justice because they are the ones affected when criminals are aquitted by this idiot.
Was this man even born in Belize?Why is he holding such a high office in my Country.
LOL, sound like da time fi di man roll out!
Where is election ??? UDP dih set all we belizeans good..
why are you people so bias? can’t you’ll see the way this Government works you are either with them or against them and as long as the case is that you are against them you will be victimized. I guess Elrington got his wish granted by the fool fool genie Barrow i noh wah even use Prime Minister infront of his name its a shame on Belize. When we select high ranking officials to govern and run the country and law enforcers do we really check the potential or we just go by who we like and if they are with us or against us? lets not be disrespectful to the Chief Justice he has done his share and his fair duty as the Chief Justice of the Court. Do we want to see the trend of Denys Barrow continued because we want the jobs to go to Belizeans? what precedent are we setting? look at what happened in his first case? do we want to continue to live in this corrupted society? take for example Hubert Elrington was awarded Senior Counsel in the Supreme Court by the Government and its obvious its just because his brother is Attorney General Minister who for God’s sake could tell me if Sedi deserves a post like that? when his office is so incompetent. Do we bash him when he was an Attorney and was defending so many high profile criminals and setting them free to come back into our society to create more harm and havoc. why because the Chief Justice is not a Belizean we are being so naive and disrespectful towards him? Denys Barrow himself was an attorney too who represented high profile criminals and set them free so why not think the same about him just because he is a Belizean????????????????????
Well… vote them out !!!
I will !!!
The last thing Belize need now are people to run their country who were actually borned there, look the areas of the country that are being pushed by Belizean leaders, only chaos can come from ignorance..
People think? the highest authority judge should be someone that has no personal interests in Belize only the RULE OF LAW, not someone that can be influenced; having a qualified non-Belizean is correct.
I think the CJ, has been the only stabilizing factor in Belize these days, and to hold everyone to the RULE OF LAW, thus I hope he stays for as long as he wants, we need him to protect the local and international good name of our justice system in Belize.
Please stay!!!!!