Gary Seawell wins one of this many legal battles

Gary Seawell
Since his capture in February Gary Seawell joined his brother Mark behind prison bars. Both Seawell brothers are being sought by the U.S. government face drug trafficking charges. The U.S. nabbed the other brother Dwayne Seawell in 2007 and he is serving a seventeen years sentence for similar offences. While the options for Gary and his common-law wife who were captured in February seem to be dwindling, they received a glimmer of hope today as they were dismissed of drug possession charges, stemming from an incident in 2006. Both Seawell and his wife, Tanisha Ayuso, are represented by attorneys Arthur Saldivar and Richard ‘Dickie’ Bradley. Saldivar says that they have not seen the evidence that would merit Seawell’s extradition to the United States.
Arthur Saldivar , attorney
“ Judgment was handed down by San Ignacio Magistrate court, in relation to The Queen vs. Tanisha Ayuso and Gary Seawell. And in that matter, the charges levied against Gary Seawell in particular was dismissed. He was vindicated of that charge. It stems from an incident that took place in 2006, where the police basically took Gary Seawell from a gas station in San Ignacio up to the Contiki area where a house was located and charged them with possession of illegal substances. At the end of the day, it was found that Mr. Seawell had nothing to do with what was alleged.”
Jose Sanchez
“So that’s a no case? There is no bearing on the current cases he is facing recently?”
Arthur Saldivar
“Well it has a bearing. Mr. Seawell is a law abiding citizen He has no convictions in Belize. He is a person who has been accused, as anyone may be accused of anything. But by no means should he be treated as if he was convicted of anything. The only other matter that Mr. Seawell has pending is in relation to the allegation made recently regarding firearms. That court date has not yet been set. There is the ongoing matter of extradition which will be dealt with when it arises in relation to him. But as I said, all allegations that require the state to prove beyond reasonable doubt; those of which he will be charged here. And to at least have the United States of America to provide evidence on the basis upon which he should be made to go there. Prima facie case must be made here.”
Gary Seawell is not out of troubled waters as he still faces a sea of charges, eleven in all. Seawell and his common-law wife Tanisha face two counts of keeping prohibited material for the grenade and a bullet proof vest, four counts of keeping a prohibited firearm for four assault rifles, three counts of keeping prohibited ammunition and two counts of keeping ammunition without a license.
tell the dutty police and the and the dutty feds dem fi bakoff a bad man /////NO EXTRADITION
Weh u mean back off? because of people like these there are so much gun violence out there. Now tell me what the hell you need grenade and so many guns. lock his a.. up…
I think it is good to see that his woman is also in hot water for his deeds, if you encourage your man behaviour no good can come for this situation, therefore both of them are guily as hell.
chalwahbinghy, should not post here if he condones the criminal in Belize, it becuse of people like him that the street is filry with crimes right now.
NO EXTRADITION means more low life criminals are roming your streets in belize looking to commit the next crime.
Send his butt back to do his time, and give Tanisha a wake up call.
I notice tricky Dickey Bradley (Who should be behind bars himself) and Saldivar are representing him, which means he’ll be released eventually (No case), as do most of the thugs they represent, so extradition is a definate no-go!
Better to have an ‘unfortunate accident’ whilst on remand, as dead crooks can’t harm anyone.
LOCK UP? People like this we don’t need in Belize – not even in our prison (to eat and sleep at our cost). Extradition to the US is the answer – they want him anyway and we already have too many prisoners and deportees.
I can see him getting off at least one of the keeping prohibited firearm’s charges.. While three of those rifles have full automatic capability one of them seemed to be a mere hunting rifle chambered in perfectly legal ammunition.
Then you have the issue of defining what an assault weapon is…. I can certainly tell you that the world war 2 grease gun chambered in .45 ACP is not an assault weapon since it was invented way before what is considered the first assault weapon ever invented which was done by the Germans..
NOLLE PROSEQUI DUE TO TECHNICALITIES ….I am no lawyer but sometimes it makes you wonder….Kinda like that guy who got charged recently for carrying a Smith and Wesson Springfield .22 revolver….. I mean come on was it a Smith and Wesson firearm or was it a Springfield firearm, TWO completely different firearm makers. A simple mistake but certainly a technicality which can cause the prosecution to loose their case…
THAT SAID I AM NO LAWYER but I am willing to bet my cash on what I just said.
chalwahbinghy is obviously a non-believer of “consequences of your actions”. Do the crime, do the time! You don’t want trouble with the law, keep your paws clean!
i and i have a right to post just like anyone else that share the same or different belief as i have///
anyone a unu weh si the man commit them crime in america can talk but none a unu ….. no si nothing so lock unu mouth/////and left the man alone / since when citizens start to trial people ////unu wake up unu kissers of america …///anything weh america say unu belief/// so i and i say bak off a bad man and tell the dutty feds fi try them own criminals