Former Commissioner of Police guilty of driving without due care

Carmen Zetina
In the courts, Former Commissioner of Police, Carmen Zetina, was found guilty this afternoon of Driving without Due Care and Attention. The verdict followed an incident which occurred on November twenty sixth, 2009 when Zetina’s Isuzu Rodeo collided into another vehicle on Marine Parade. Magistrate Sharon Lewis fined Zetina a hundred dollars, which is to pay by May seventeenth, in default, one month in prison.
Dat da loan ….dem shuda put him ina gail. dat da corruption just because he use to be the Police Commissioner dem neva penalize him more.
If it was the regular citizen, they would charge thousands, so that they cant pay it and end up in jail….shame on our system. no wonder people abroad have a wrong image on Belize. We need new minds to examine our judiciary and legislative system. In fact our whole system needs revaamping to be more geared towards justice and equal rights. These older heads seem tired…we need a breed of young politicians with a different perspective. Belizeans, if you feel you can lead better than these people, offer yourselfs as candidates. But remember, when you get up there, that you must remain loyal to the citizens of Belize. No more injustice, no more corruption and for God’s sake, Mr. Barrow, NO MORE TAXES!!!!
A hundred dollars, that was all he had to pay for his recklesness, shame on Magistrate Sharon Lewis, he laughed at you all the way to the bank.
no wonder he is happily smiling in his avatar pic above, a slap on the wrist.
Glad he did not get the chance to hurt innocent people.
Magistrate Sharon Lewis where were you when I was convicted?
Then I was suspended from holding a driver`s license for one year!!!
$100.00 ?????????????????????????????????????????? WISHFUL THINKING SAYS ME !!!
But you Magistrate Sharon Lewis will have a friend for a lifetime!!!
sharon lewis you are are a big disgrace to our jewel and disgrace to our justice system. how in the wolrd would you charge him $100.00. watch his face looking like an idiot smiling at you knowing he has you under his hands to make it easy for him to walk out like a free man with a fine so cheap. sharon you really disgrce your self with a a fine so rediculous.
this man is completly crazy what a shame on him, I know for a true fack he is an idiot, drug user, alcoholic and something else too, put his r… in jail where he belongs,cause Belize will know something else about him soon and you all will get the shock of your life!!! Wait and see
I skipped my breathe lastnite when i heard $100. that is an offence to our people and pan top they gave him until may what a shame. that man must be real poor. Hello, thats the reason there will be more crime. man, i cant even say what i want to say. Judge, it was better to not charge him and just warn him to be more carefull the next time. What you did is like the saying in spanish says”solo para taparle el ojo al macho” haha crazy things can happen.
Magistrate Sharon Lewis you’re a big joke.Hence the reason crime is escalating in Belize.Maybe the Ex Comissioner should have collided into your vehicle.
wat a stupid tin of majistrate sharon lewis charge a fool 100.00 dollars he should have just let zetina put it in his banck acc. but thats the way GOB works in belize its a shame for us belizean in american, now carnen zetina is a drug addic his licens need to be suspended, or change the that fool of sharon lewis .lets get rid of all the corption in the sistem