Some students agree to corporal punishment
While policymakers remain staunch about banning corporal punishment from classrooms students are of a different opinion. Interestingly some students are in agreement with the use of physical means of discipline in schools as long as it is reasonable and justified.
Sharon Wade, Student, Excelsior High School
“Well I think they should have corporal punishment. Well because then without corporal punishment the students, yoh have students weh well dehn done di do weh dehn wah do eena school already and most ah dehn feel like dehn could rule di teachers so I believe that with a little bit of corporal punishment they will get disciplined.”
Shanda Rhys, Student, Sadie Vernon High School
“I think they should but they shouldn’t beat you like if they, let me see, okay I agree on it because well when they hit you I don’t think they hit you intentionally. As my dad likes to say, teachers are not crazy. They do hit you for a reason and I don’t think they are going to hit you intentionally for anything so I agree with corporal punishment.”
Today’s forum was organized by Youth For the Future in the wake of recent stand taken by the Belize National Teachers Union against the Government of Belize regarding the removal of corporal punishment without first outlining an alternative means of discipline in the classroom. YFF plans to hold similar forums with other high schools in the near future.
its funny how things happen i dont even bother bout Belize City no more i used to go there to buy groceries but with this crime rising it do not matter if i spend a little bit more but not going to Belize City
Don’t hit, Just mek they chop grass. That worked on me.
yes I believe in the punishment because the children need it just to know that they have it make some teachers have a bit of lead way with the kids. now they should have a rule on how to use punishment …. n not abuse.
“Should Teachers Be Able to Cane?”
Check out this article on the subject by Godfrey Smith:
I think it would be a good thing if they brought it back. I went to school in Belize until I was about 14 before I move away. We were disciplined in school and the children, parents and the School Board did not have a problem with it. Since when has Belize become so Americanize that they forget how they were raised and that is what made them a better person for it. Look at the lawlessness going on right now, do you think when we were growing up our parents would put up with such stupidity, hell no they would whip our a.. and turn us over to the authorities. When I was a child crime in Belize virtually non existent, what is happening to our beautiful country. Parents you know what, discipline and respect starts in the home, stop pretending you don’t know what your child is doing out there, you are just encouraging them in stupidity, no respect for human life.
I agree whole-heartedly Beverly. I am a teacher in the United States, and let me tell you….it saddens me to hear/see what’s going on in my beloved Belize. I’ve always said that it is so terribly unfortunate that that beautiful jewel of ours has been for too long emulating all the negative mores of the USA. Now look where it’s gotten us. Now they want to take corporal punishment away too. Come on my people. Wake up!!! “Spare the rod, and spoil the child” has never been proven more true!
Yea dem little bad pickney needs some good hard discipline since they aren’t getting it at home then they should be getting it at school. Spare the rod and spoil the child they say…what a bunch of crap…..this is the same reason why our society is the way it is….really messed up, youths have no self dicipline nor self respect for themselves or towards others. When i was growing up i got whipped when i did something wrong or misbehaved and that was fine becuase back then i didn’t know any better. And thankfully, that alone helped to mold me into the person i am today and i am grateful and i hold no ill mind towards my parents for doing what they did becuase they wanted to bring me up the right way. Now you as parents have to stop relying on teachers to dicipline your child for you and do your job as a responsible parent!
I went to RC school in Belize and they had stopped corporal punishment or lashing when I was going. They would punish us by letting us sweep or do age appropriate chores in agreement to PTA or if the child did not have allergies or school work when I taught there in RC lately that is what we do, we kept in contact with the parent, school manager and Ed. officer in all possible ways and it runs smoothly, there are days when you as a teacher have to advise some children who have disciplinary problems every single day and this is what parents need to do be CONSISTENT…if you listen to kids and talk to them make limits known and consequences within reason mek everybody know what is going on…the kids grow up well and you know there was no kinda lashing on my body nor to my students they turn out well…but you have to be ready and on task alert every single day to watch out their behavior. Blessings to everyone.