National day of prayer at Country Side Park in Spanish Lookout

richard smith
After a few days of down time, the criminals are back on the beat and as you heard earlier in this newscast, there were several shootings on Wednesday night. It is that kind of news that has prompted My Refuge Radio to embark on a grand prayer initiative this weekend. The first National Day of Prayer was held in 2005 at the Marion Jones Stadium and this year a few pastors in the west have joined up with My Refuge to reactivate the initiative and hopefully make it annual. Director of the radio station, Richard Smith, is inviting everyone, particular the country’s leaders to come together in prayer at the Country Side Park in Spanish Lookout this Saturday.
Richard Smith, Director, My Refuge Radio
“We believe that the condition of our nation, the state of our nation, it is right and it is fitting for us to call the nation to prayer. So what we would like to do is have it annually, every May first to pray and cover the nation. So we invite pastors from every district to come over and let’s do it together.”
Delahnie Bain
“So what can people expect going to this event?”
Richard Smith
“The highlight of this is repentance; calling the nation to repentance. Like the scripture says if my people so if the people who are Christian would come to repentance, you know there’s a lot of differences between government, between the church and so forth. Nothing is going to change until the church takes the lead as scripture says that the manifold wisdom of God is going to be made known through the prowess of God. It’s by church so we see it very fit for the church to come, put all differences aside and let’s take Belize forward as we launch it in prayer. So there will be repentances in different languages by somebody praying on behalf of that language. We’re calling for civic leaders, political leaders, community leaders to come together. We invite everybody to come out but mainly so, we call the leaders to take the lead and lead the way.”
The prayer event starts at three p.m. and Smith says there will be signs in Spanish Lookout with directions to the Country Side Park.
Great initiative Brother Richard Smith. Belize needs the prayers, our leaders need to take time out and ask God for the right path.
We need need more involvement from our Church and Political leaders to deal with the crime issue in Belize.