Social Security scammer gets one more day in court

Mirna Leticia Ramirez
In Wednesday night’s newscast, we reported that a Guatemalan woman, Mirna Leticia Oliva Ramirez tried to scam Social Security by using two different names for her baby in order to double dip on benefits. As it turns out, she only has one baby and his name is Joseph Alexander Murrillo, who was born on December ninth, 2007. The child’s father, Leroy Murillo, reported the woman to the police when he found out his son was being used in a crime. Ramirez pleaded guilty to making a false declaration and sentencing was scheduled for today. But the case could not proceed as vital information was still not available. So in the interest of justice, Magistrate Dorothy Flowers granted bail to Ramirez in the sum of two thousand dollars and her new court date has been set for May sixth. By this evening, just before the prison bus would have taken her to Kolbe, Ramirez was able to meet her two thousand dollars bail.
A better investigation is to be done on this report there two father’s who’s the real one is the question the child is registered under two fathers a Ernaldo Santo ya who registered the child on the 26 Dec 2007 and Larry Murillo who did same on the 12March 2008 on Murillo’s one the child name is Joseph Alexandro Murillo and Santo ya’s one Josef Josue Santoya
She will now leave Belize and go back to Guatemala, sad she was not on the bus last month, would have been much more easier to eject her a…. back across the border.
Get what you can while you can, if the leaders follow this same motto why cant we “insignificant “people do the same. We’re only following our leaders irresponsiblity.
Funny how when foreigners commit a crime some Belizeans talk a lot of trash but as soon as one of our own home bred monsters commits a monstrosity they start with the hippy talk about how his rights were violated when the cops put the handcuffs on him too tight BLA BLA BLA BLA
In my eyes a criminal is a criminal is a criminal weather foreign or domestic. And I don’t have pity for either.
ESPECIALLY the type of home grown criminals who’s mom or babymama come out on TV saying how good church going, careing, loving kids they are… WHEN I SEE THAT ON TV I ENJOY MYSELF ITS A FORM OF ENTERTAINMENT MATCHING BABYMAMAS AND MOMS TALKING ABOUT THEIR CHURCH GOING KIDS…
Is this mami even legal?
Why give this thief bail she is a flight risk.Or you guys giving her some time to take the bus to Melchor Domencus?Come on lame DPP.
The song fan Tony Wright no seh if you ban dah guatemala you straigt.So dah why this young lady get bail?She no straight.
I do not care if the criminal is a man or a woman, a Belizean or a Guatemalan; I am sick and tired of all the bs that is going on there in Belize. Unfortunately, when the Belizeans commit crimes the Belizean officials cannot send them over the border to Guatemala or Mexico; dismiss them from their own country, which would be just darn insane to do.
That is the reason why the Belizeans are begging for justice by bringing back “hanging” to deal with the Belizean criminals.
Fortunately, when the criminals like Mirna Leticia Ramirez
Come over to Belize to commit crimes we can force her to serve time, hang her, etc (depending on the crime) then kick their a…. back over the border, one less criminal in Belize.
She should have a job since she decided to have a kid, just a lack of responsibility, and being too darn lazy.
I agree with Islander. A criminal is a criminal, regardless of race, nationality or religion. I say we arrest everyone starting at the top. Belizeans need to grow a spine and stop allowing themselves to be walked over, and accepting mediocre leaders of no character or moral compass. All wrong doers should be punished to the fullest extent of the law.
yeah the same money she stole, that’s her bail
Elgin Martinez, you are comenting on this women more than you normally comment on a brutal belizean who raped a 13 year old. O and by the way don’t condemn people for their nationality you never know if the tables will turn. I hate discrimination at all levels.