Alexander Hercules charged for assaulting minor

Alexander Hercules
Earlier this week, we reported that two men, ages twenty and thirty-three years, had been charged for having sex with minors under the age of sixteen years. Today another case was added to the growing list of sexual abuse against underage girls. Forty-one year old Cotton Tree Farmer, Alexander Hercules, was arraigned on a charge of aggravated assault of an indecent nature. A twelve year old student of Belize City is claiming that on Thursday evening, she was inappropriately touched on the buttocks as she walked on Cemetery Road. The child quickly alerted her mother who reported the incident to the police. Hercules was arrested in the area where the incident took place.
we belizeans need to fight to put hanging back into place cuz belize is getting terrible. Sorry to say this but belize is full of murderers, thieves, and crooks. Even our some of the police men and politicians are crooks. Something needs to be done. And no one cant blame anyone if one of these days our good citizen kill one of those thieves or murderers. All of them deserve what they get. And then you have their family acting like they dont know how bad their family is. they know but belizeans always want to look innocent. our justice system is full of crap. and our politicians want to kill us too. otherwise they would make sure everyone in belize had a plate of food to eat. they should start investing for money into the crime and poor people in belize and stop wasting it on their range rovers and their extravagant life styles. if the government cared about us they would take money from their own pockets to help us become a better country. you cant take your money when you die but atleast God will see u helped his people. One of the other reasons nothing is being done to crime and our justice system is because none of the high men in the government have lost their wife or child to violence. but one of these days that day will come and thats when we ll see whats really up
there are many people who are getting killed by the gun. but some of those people deserve it. u live by the gun u shall die by the gun. but there are also innocent people getting killed and those are the poeple i feel sad for cuz the people of belize have gotten so jealous of everyone else u cant even work hard and buy nice things for yourself without someone stealing it from you. why dont those thieves start stealing from non belizeans. there are lots of nonbelizeans who are wealthy and got so by stealing and dealing with drugs. Jeez, steal from those people not from your own belizeans who are trying to work their butts off to try to make a better life for themselves. if you are going to steal have a mind people. we are all belizeans. but not because you don t want to work hard for your you are suppose to come and steal mines. everyone has to start to live how they can afford to live and we need o start helping each other. 30 years ago belize city was paradise now its dirty and filty with jealous and ignorant people. everyone we need to start thinking that we are all one. help those who needs help, feed those who needs to be fed. and the goverment needs to make an appeal to the queen to bring back the death penalty. it will benefit the belizean poeple. so what if britain or england stops giving us help. we dont need them because if the death penalty isnt brought back all of our belizean people will die and then the money england sends us will be of no use cuz soon you will see our government die out too so they wont even be able to spend it. our government needs to THINK
this ya man should be hang!! weh right he have to touch a child buttocks, he crazy. he shoulda go feel up weh he have home weh belong to him, I wonder if he knew the child.
DAMN you hercules you should be tabran whipped and then hang from your …………….
To concerned citizen… I am appalled at your comment that that thieves should steal from Non Belizeans what makes you think NON Belizeans did not work hard for what they have, I would not condone thievery from any group of people, if you did not work for it then you have no right to come and take what I worked very hard for, as one that have been a victim of robbery I know the devastation both financially and emotionally no one deserve to be robbed. I would not wish it on my worse enemy because you never recover from it. What we need to be doing is pressuring the Government to do something about the judicial system they are the real culprits because the way I see it they condone the crime, they could care less as long as they get theirs and believe me they do. Please people stop wishing crime on any group and lets instead find an intelligent way of battling crime so that we can ALL live in this place that could easily be Paradise on Earth.
My people die for a lact of knowledge, and where there is no vision the people perish. A person can perform lest that he/she knows, but not more than what he/ she does not know. Belizeans need to know what government can and cannot do, or better yet what government should not do. However, government has caused much of the false expectaions. The late John F Kennedy told his fellow Americans, ask not what your government/country can do for you but what you can do for your country. Belize has come a long way with what little it has been able come across in these short years of self management.
Unfortunately many do not agree with this observation, but for those of us who over fifty years of age we know how though it was to live in Belize. Our government has many short comings, but they have done in my opinion a reasonably good job in providing, if nothing else, good infrastructers with the little funds that come to the country. They have built schools, electricity, water, reasonably good roads/highway. Most of the citizens are like children and parent, they only see what the parent provides, without any thought as to what parent has to go through to provide for them. Fellow Belizeans, stop putting all your hopes in what you think government should do for you. Politic is a two edged soward, it business as well as proffession. The voting public is the politician stock in trade.
The country belong to all citizens at all times as politicians comes and goes. We give them a job to administrate our property, nothing lest nothing more. If they do a good job we hire them for another term, if they don’t out they go, But note, its a job with such responsibility yet we allow most political aspirants to do on the job learning then we expect top performance; WRONG. One of the best way to help yourself and your country is by getting real knowledge to make proper contribution to the society in which we all live. Real power is KNOWLEDGE.