Leon Blease gets seven years for shooting fisherman

Leon Blease
Leon Blease pleaded guilty this past Monday for Use of Deadly Means of Harm. This morning after a mitigation plea by attorney Arthur Saldivar, Blease was sentenced to seven years. Blease changed his plea to guilty after thirty-five year old Conch Shell Bay resident, Freddy Grant, gave testimony of his near death ordeal. Grant, a fisherman, was repeatedly shot to the face, head, back and stomach by Blease after an altercation at Red House Bar located on Vernon Street. The incident occurred on September seventeenth, 2008, just after Grant had left Red House. It started because Blease took offence that Grant had spit on the ground. In mitigation, Saldivar said that Blease grew up in a society without the benefit of parental guidance and that he had shown remorse for his actions. But Prosecutor Christelle Wilson argued that in her view, seven years was a slap on the wrist for a convicted person who tried to kill a man and in the process left him permanently damaged. In his ruling, Justice Herbert Lord said that he took into consideration that Blease had accepted responsibility and saved the court time and money. His seven year sentence takes effect today. Blease has eight previous convictions that exclude the serious offences to which he pleaded guilty.
This is why the crime rate will never decrease in Belize. Until these thugs receive stiffer penalties that fit the crime they will continue to run the streets. Someone convicted of SEVEN past offenses should be down in the gallows never to be seen again. Did the prosecution order a pyscological review of Leon Blease? I’m sure this would have proven that he is a habitual criminal and that he has no chance of rehabilitation. Judges, please rid these thugs of our streets before they destroy our country.
7 years because he saved the court time and money.. and that herbert dude knew this guy has 8 other convictions.. what is wrong belize?? it’s going to cost us (ME) tax payer money to feed him for 7 years now.. i prefer to use my money to feed the kids at school..
sentence him to death.. he doesn’t belong in the society.. he’s a criminal… this makes me MAD!
Eight previous convictions??? What happen to three strikes (convictions) and U get a life sentence? Not in Belize of course.
Arthur Saldivar and Dickie Bradley dah the same breed, they are the main ones causing all this crimes cause through them these criminal get away and the cycle of violence continues. These two lawers have a lot to answer God, poor excuses about parental guidance, some children grow up on the streets and become productive citizens, they no kill people much less hurt people. These men like Leon Blease should be hang by the neck until dead!!! and on the left and right side, dickie and arthur.
These Lawers have no shame!!! money dah everything to them, the care less about the innocent victimes. HATEFUL LAWERS!!!!!!
I agree with all the comments made, I wonder how some of these attorneys sleep at night I wonder if that is why 99% of them are alcoholics maybe they are trying to drown their conscience with alcohol. Reckoning day will come legal minds trust me there will be a day of reckoning and lets hope you all can handle it the way us victims have handled it and just so you know all your money will not be enough to ease the pain because nothing can shut off your conscience when it is just you and your conscience.
Wow instead of them giving him a harsh punishment they gave him 7 years. So what about the guy he nearly killed, is that justice enough for him and what he went thru. Belize should spend more money to get rid of the pest in our society. It’s funny how the little guys who do minor crimes get to serve more time than he does, shame on our justice system.
lord is not lord the real Lord will amke him pay for all those criminals that he gave them little punishment after what they did.
even though you are lawyers i dont see why you get the RIGHT to defend criminals when you knw that they are guilty. and i knwo for some reason that i have heard this mans name before you see crimes like these you are suppose to heng!!
We cannot blame the attorneys for what is happening in that country.
The also need to live and feed their children, this is a business.
Problem is in the court system, lets target that issue.
I say kill all lawyers in belize(who are nothing else than crooks with a lawdegree)starting with all the politicians who are lawyers in belize,and only then will belizeans be free.do u notice belizean that all your politicos in power are lawyers?21 of september never did,never will bring freedome to belizeans.the only belizeans who enjoy true freedome in belize are the rich,and politicians.
By the way,you notice that all the CRIME out of control in belize is in the CITY?The city where the government showers belizeans with everything,in the city belizeans have the best of everything,good hospitals,markets.better government service,the rest of the country get nothing.could this be because the majority in the city are NEGROES?and politicians love negroes?but there are other kind of criminals in belize who are out of countrol,and they are found in the PUP and UDP mafia.think about it.
he shoot a guy in the head over a spitting incident? he has 8 previous convictions? and he gets 7 years! Justice Lord you should be ashamed of yourself. remember this worthless thug could be out of prison after serving 1/3 of his sentence. I have no doubt he’ll be back in the news in about 2 1/2 years and what will you have to say to his next victim Mr. Lord?