Siian Rancharan tops the country in 2010 P.S.E
Official results for the Primary School Examinations have been released and the scores are considerably better in English, Math and Science. Six thousand, six hundred and sixty-one students sat the exams this year. The lengthy release from the Ministry of Education was released late this evening and a quick peruse of the nineteen page document shows the list of best scorers. At number ten is Ochaeta Sandrina from Sacred Heart, number nine is Kenya Castillo of United Evergreen, number eight is Mishek Musa of Hummingbird, number seven is Alexander King, also of Hummingbird Elementary, number six is Nadiya Sedasey of Saint Ignatius RC in Belize City, number five is Lement Chun of Saint Francis Xavier, number four is Henry Fernandez of Santa Elena Primary, Number three is Kelsey Musa of Belize Elementary, number two is Deanna Gibson of Pancotto Primary and the highest score in the PSE was attained by twelve-year old Siian Rancharan, a student of Hummingbird Elementary, who scored three hundred and eighty-six of a possible four hundred points. Siian is the son of Channel Five’s CEO Amalia Mai and Juan Rancharan and he is in our studios tonight. Goodnight Siian.
Marleni Cuellar
“How are you feeling? Obviously out of breath.”
Siian Rancharan, Top PSE Scorer 2010
“Well, I feel excited and—well, of course I’m excited. I’m proud of myself and I feel that I’ve done a wonderful feat and not only would I like to share my congratulations with everyone and of course all my supportive parents and people around me and I’d like to say thank you to all of you who care about me and who followed me through this wonderful process of me getting all the way to the top. Thank you.”
Marleni Cuellar
“Now, Siian I know most kids are very anxious about taking the PSE and there’s a lot of preparation that the school and your fellow classmates go through. What was your experience like in preparing for the exam?”
Siian Rancharan
“Well, of course studying was a big part. Reading over notes was very important to me and making sure that I didn’t get too stressed out with it. not studying before the PSE really calmed my nerves because when you do that you just get pressured that you should know everything. And I feel that all the things that I’ve learned; my topics, my notes, all the lessons and life skills I’ve learned from my teacher so far have really helped me in the PSE.”
Marleni Cuellar
“Okay. Now a lot of parents try to prepare their kids as best as possible. What would you say to other kids getting ready for the PSE in terms being able to really excel?”
Siian Rancharan
“Well, I think I would say to them, try your best, don’t worry about what other people say to you. Make sure that you study of course. Makre sure that you know all of your material and one thing to keep in mind is don’t forget that you have a love and support all the way.”
Marleni Cuellar
“And what’s your plans for celebrating?”
Siian Rancharan
“Well, I’m not too sure yet.”
Marleni Cuellar
“You’re gonna find out later?”
Siian Rancharan
“Yes, I hope so.”
Marleni Cuellar
“And what high school are going to go to?”
Siian Rancharan
“Saint John’s of course.”
Marleni Cuellar
“Alright. Well, congratulations Siian and thank you for sharing that with us.”
Siian Rancharan
“Thank you.”
We’ll have a more and detailed report on the PSE results on Monday.
Looking at what is taking place in the gulf of Mexico with the crude oil problem could and no doubt shed a dismal view on drilling for oil in any part of the ocean, and rightfully so, but istake in the same situation. mistakes is the teacher that lead to experience if that mistake is properly catolog to avoid a repeat of the same. Its obvious that the drilling industries is faced with uncharterted waters when it come to this problem at such an incredible dept in the ocean. Now they know the consequences of such an operation,hopefully this strong message will cause greater prudence for the industry.
Well done, Siian.
We are all very proud of you even over here in the UK.
Best wishes and every success from
Jim, Sylvia, Gabriela & Ryan