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Jul 27, 2010

Do you think that the education system is antiquated?

Anthropologist in social violence, Dr. Herbert Gayle, revealed a summary of his research on Male Social Participation and Violence in Urban Belize this past Monday. The findings are not entirely new, but still alarming. His research reveals among other issues that the education system, inherited from the colonial days, is placing Belize far behind standards in the region. In fact at least fourteen percent of children do not make it through primary school. Tonight we ask: Do you think that the education system is antiquated and therefore failing to address our developmental needs? Send your comments and responses using your SMART phones to 8686 or post your vote on our e-poll at You can also send an email with your comments to

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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7 Responses for “Do you think that the education system is antiquated?”

  1. Earl Grey says:

    The QUESTION is ………. Are there jobs for those that do get an EDUCATION????????????

  2. BZNinCALI says:

    Children have to go to school prepared to learn. Under colonial rule; primary education was free, we had less opportunity to get a secondary education & precious few went further.

    The “improvements” made to our school system in the last 30 years were done by our elected officials who lacked foresight. We’re not antiquated, we need competent people to design our curriculum & a commitment from parents, teachers & the society to make sure our children are in an environment where they can develop learning & study skills that will make it easier to introduce advanced concepts so that even if there aren’t enough jobs in the country, they have skills that will open up opportunities abroad. If we start with something as simple as hiring people based on what they know & their ability to impart that knowledge in terms our children can grasp we can turn things around. Our children are smart enough.

  3. Also Concerned says:

    I used to teach at the tertiary level, and many of the students who reached that level were not prepared. They never should have been made to get to that point w/o the proper tools.

  4. Coral Black says:

    It does not matter what we think about the education system, politicians do as they
    please anyway. Look how long we’ve had these problem and nothings been done.
    These are very old issue, There’s never a shortage in finance when it comes to the
    Military, and other So call Security Agencies. The whole Educational system needs
    a new Program if the younger generation is to survive, because this (Eugenic programing,)
    is make the people more Confuse ( Babylon) . Power to the People YHWH El Olam

  5. Boris says:

    Let’s stop blaming other parties (education system, government, religion, England, ….). From my point of view I believe that to change the situation in Belize we as a people of this land that we called Belize need to change our mentality. We need to have the mentality of success, wanting to improve our living standards for a brighter future

  6. Conflict theorist says:

    I don’t see what the big idea is about whether the education system is antiquated or not. Yes we follow the system of the British in terms of elementary, highschools and some of the exams given;however, we as students using this colonial system are still able to accessibly get into other colleges apart from the regular ones. What I believe is one of the main issues with the education system is that 1) we do not have an entirely and properly trained group of teachers- I have teachers who taught (or at least were supposed to) me, who for one I thought never knew crap, clearly i could have seen maybe it was on a who-knows-who basis, honestly, i would not even want them to teach my children! My aunt always says, “Not because you’re a teacher means that you can teach!” 2) Some teachers may be qualified but simply they do not show much interest in their students or give them the encouragement to stay in school despite many circumstances that would try and push them out of the system- i had a a highschool teacher who was qualified but her interest in her students was not there when it came to academics but it was there when she wanted to sit on the desk and ask students their personal business though and another example we had, was one who clearly was suppose to be teaching us and looking through the window I saw this person jumping into their vehicle taking a citizen to register to vote and at other times if it was not taking peoiple it was attending political meetings during school time. Teachers need to know what their priorities are! Students are not prepared because either the teachers are not qualified, they don’t have much interest in their students and they are not putting much effort into upgrading the education system. At the primary school level, these kids need encouragement! The school that I went to gave us plenty of that and majority of the students graduated, in fact in my year, all graduated! At the highschool level- bring in extra-curricular activities, give willingly time to asist students after classes if they don’t understand and stop counting the minutes to run through the gates! Give them encouragement as well, a little bit of that won’t hurt! At the Tertiary level, where i know there are very little students attending, (*this is only a suggestion people- for those who have access to computers at home or somewhere we should make available the courses online, this would make possible those who want to further their studies and work part-time to be able to attain their degrees and also for astudents like myself who’s family could have afforded it, why not do it online and give the people who don’t have access to those resources the face-to-face classes?) If we have both online and face-to-face classes broadening the spectrum of education attainability then we won’t have to worry too much about whether the system is antiquated or not because we’ll all know that it’s still working!

    Sorry about the long comment!

    Sincerely Belizean Creole Gyal

  7. Conflict theorist says:

    right on brother Grey, right on! Things are bad! i have had crappy jobs after crappy jobs and i possess a degree and the pay was crap too. my new job is ok but things are still bad, barely have much to spend on myself. I am actually going back to school to get a higher degree and the thought on my mind is the same as that, will I be able to get a job with that higher degree and a better pay too! All these politicians and administrators (sorry Auntie) in the education system all they do is preach “Get your education, education is the way out of poverty, opportunities will be open, blah, blah, blah” pure BS. A degree might have worth much in their days but it’s not much now. My friend was applying for a job and they called her for the interview, when she got there she said there were two rooms filled with people for one position and so many of them had degrees when the position called for a minimum of a high school diploma! Now talk ’bout life being a pain in the behind! I don’t when those government officials and administrators will start talking straight to the people and say out-rightly there are no jobs due to a lack of resources and overspending of the people’s money and that they are simply selling people dreams! They could talk the talk because they have a permanent job at least for 5 years until the other party come and kick them out!

    Creole Gyal Seh so

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