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Jul 28, 2010

Fake cop calls collect from prison

Aaron wilson

He has made the headlines for three consecutive weeks now and Belize’s top fake cop is talking from behind the prison walls. Aaron Wilson was exposed by Shannon Martinez after he allegedly fondled her and stole her cell phone. Wilson called News Five today from the Hattieville Prison to say he was set up by one police officer, whose identify he did not want to reveal.  In fact, Wilson said he believed that he was a Special Constable, even though he could not answer our questions on whether he took an oath or signed any document.  If you haven’t heard an incredible story, well they come no better than this.  Wilson said he can prove his innocence since he was framed and that he legitimately worked as a police officer along with other senior officers.  He even alleged that he received salaries and signed for it. But he said he did not want to be recorded because he was in fear of his life.  Now behind bars on a slew of charges, Wilson says he feels he is an easy prey for the officer who wants him dead.  Wilson has acquired the legal services of Dickie Bradley to represent him in court. We spoke to Bradley about the call and he said it is clear that there is some truth to what the fake cop is claiming.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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32 Responses for “Fake cop calls collect from prison”

  1. BZNinCALI says:

    If everything else he has done & said to date is questionable, is it not possible that he forged logs as well & I am sure there is a way to check the authenticity of any paperwork he has that proves his innocence,

    For an idiot who was threatening civilians with guns, be brave, suck it up & stop whining about being afraid of the police, you were one of the policemen terrorizing other people, deal with it.

  2. BZNinCALI says:

    By the way, on a fake policeman’s salary, how can he afford Dickie Bradley?

  3. Elgin Martinez says:

    This just shows the level or corruption in the higher echelon of the Belize Police Force.This bootleg idiot called collect from prison.What’s next ?This clung will probobly watching HBO in his cell.

  4. smallp says:

    Legitimate cop? The old system of hiring should be back like when Curl Thompson used to be in power. A special unit should be opened of genuine and honest public officers who will screen and do a thorough background check on all those applying. If the background is clean then hire but without any political influence.

  5. bold says:

    He is using his money on Dickie Bradley so no money for calls…haha..funny how a young and intelligent looking guy turn out to be so stupid. What was this guys smoking???

  6. Oscar965 says:

    Anything this fake cops says will be hard to believe. What is news to me is that collect calls are accepted so easily. Now that is news to me…so be ready for more collect calls to come…

  7. TrueFiction says:

    If there is any spec of truth to the story being told, be real where on earth can anybody just go among an organization work with its members, and nobody even question his reason for being there. While it may be difficult to believe any thing that he says, we have already prosecuted him without a reasonable doubt. i just hope that this incident don’t blow back in our face. Look at the Mangar incident it was sold cheap and will have a cost now. we must be careful and don’t rattle of like parrots, if he did do what he is being accused of then let the law of the land prevail.

  8. deedee says:

    And the saga of Aaron Wilson continues…playing the blame game to try and cover his a$$ and make himself look like the victim. I saw it coming, now the only thing that’s left is for his lawyer dickie bradley to find some flaw in the justice system or a technicality that will set this man free.Caz lets face it, he won’t be in jail for long.

  9. Elgin Martinez says:

    deedee:You’ve got it right that’s exactly what’s going to happen.

  10. Ras says:

    What is our country coming to when people commit serious crimes and due to the fact that they got money and can afford lawyers to fight their cases they are back on the street doing their dirty deeds again when the poor man is punished to the full extent of the law all because they have nobody in their corner or because they cannot afford an expensive lawyer they get it full force. Belize is a beautiful country to all foreigners but the people and the system of this country makes it a terrible place to live. This country will soon need a revolution to weed out the bad seeds and start back fresh, starting at the head cause if the head is corrupt don’t expect the rest of the body to be good we need to take back our country if we are thinking about the next generation. To me the worst thing that could have happen to Belize was its independence because we are running the show now (well they are) and its going from bad to worst each and everyday.

  11. Elgin Martinez says:

    Ras: I definately agree with you i am down with that revolution that’s the only way we’re going to stop the corruption.Starting with the higher ups.

  12. bold says:

    That no mek sense Ras. The best thing was Independence. The worst thing was putting incompetent leaders in government. The worst still is people selling their votes for $100…this is the worst shame…then we complain how them no care bout the people….we dont seem to care about ourselves the minute we sell our vote. Our vote is supposed to be our most sacred constitutional right.

    Dem politicians we have as leaders as Ras Indio put it “dem a fraud” and we put them there by selling our votes. Tell me who to blame now?? Next time around, mek sure unu vote for the person and forget the party bull crap we used to….We need to vote for sensible people to represent us in Government….then Belize will be different!

  13. Elgin Martinez says:

    The problem is that most of us Belizean just look at the short term.We are not thing about our childrens future.If we keep giving our votes to these polititians and not holding them accountable then our kids probably won’t have a Country to live in.

  14. belizeanpride says:

    i’m with you BOLD, it’s exactly what is happening some people are sell outs and then they cry after wards forgetting the sell themselves to political parties that later eat their behind with no remorse.

  15. Mr. Know it all says:

    Typical Belizeans come on for crying out loud. Have any of you guys try use your thick heads and see whats going on. we all ways bringing down our own belizean and let the white man tell us what to do and laugh at our government and says what an idiot. I know the guy good and i have his allibi prepared we are going to rock that case the guy is innocent people he is tell the truth and he is no fake cop he was sworn in i witnessed it so i can speak on his behalf. So to every one out there learn to love and not to hate because we all make mistake and god forgives so put your feet in the guy shoes and have mercy he is innocent aviously until proven guily read your laws be educated and there is no corruption in the police department. you want to see corruption ask minister of police what the hell he was fishing with the three biggest drug lords at the time when the columbian boat was found thats corruption or ask he says coincidentally i happen to be there “my …”. people its time to wake up the UDP is a corrup party. I can see how people blame the police for every nonsense a politician do instead we go forward we go three steps backwardss Think Belizean don’t let the government fool you by there stupid lies they bark out on TV.

  16. macal rivera says:

    Fake policeman, dickie the dog bradley hmm, look like lot of money involve hmm!!
    Two clown of a kind, everhting fake about them even dem words,
    Back Off Wilson, you need to see a pshyciatric doctor, I think you are mentally ill, and dickie too.
    by the way check with wan doctor for your twisted smile I really think you had a stroke, that left you retarded!!

  17. Mr. Know it all says:

    Fake cop!!!!!! yeah right give me a break my fellow belizeans but did i hear d big news of a fake cop well let me break it down in small change for you. Mr. Aaron Wilson is not fake sworn in infront of my naked eyes and if you incompetible belizeans don’t know better you must swear in to be a cop. I worked with the guy and he collects a cop salary but your corrupted government again never filled out his paper work well due to lack of supervision. This guy is innocent and if you belizeans that are nossie and interfarring mind what you say because im paying Mr. Dickie Bradley for him to be aaron’s attorney. I would also like you to note and if you do your home work a police is under payed and over worked if you would know better. You want corruption to stap talk to the politicians who are pocketing your monies and expect crime to reduce if they are the ones involved in the same criminal activities like i said its facts because im always monitoring them and if you guys would only immagine what i see so far but don’t worry a video of thier corruption will be released shortly with that said Aaron Wilson is not fake and the whole scenario was set by a minister to make headlines so they do thier dirty work behind the belizean public backs. Ohh llet me giv you a shocking note Aaron will collect for this shamm contraversy when he wins. Its jus a political game my Belizeans wake up and smell the politicians coffee they are winning if we don’t get serious and turn things around.

  18. Mr. Know it all says:

    Hats off to you Bold your like the one with the wisest comment its shame at my Belizeans to be hating on each other because of a guy being accused of being a fake cop when he is really one. Like i said previous it’s the politicians fravourite game i bin in government for the past thirty years and thats what politicians do pocket our money and blame other people theif it. It’s a shame people sell their votes to them and believe it or not but i have work with them so long and can’t obtain a simple voters ID because i was sworn in as secret service to hide thier corruption but i tired of see the country falling its up to us Belizeans to put it up back on its feets. If we were governed by the british our country would have looked like the buckinham palace by now. but these damm corupted politician have it look like haiti disaster.

  19. macal rivera says:

    you …. mr.know it all, you are in serious problem, you are an accomplice to these crimes as well.

    You will have to proof everything you are saying. if you work along with him it means you are a ? fake cop!! hmm under paid and over work, accordinig to your own word, so where did you get money to pay the dog dickie hmmm, I bet you get it from corrupted politicians, hmmm you definatley are part of the problem, sorry for your …,

    you gwein dah JAil along with your love bird aaron, ha ha ha, you ketch fish by dem mouth you know!!

  20. belizeanpride says:

    well break it more MR. KNOW IT ALL who is thatofficer threatening wilson and who’s the minister for all of us to know it since you know it all. let we get to know it all. come on tell us or are you afraid to tell also.

  21. luo says:

    i notice with this government that all of them are incompetent. this sound so fishy. anywayz i notice a lot of fake people put in high position and get fat salary while the little hardwording people are been pressure to work thier but off for these cronies of gob.. mein this is not independence.. this scandal, greed and failure..this udp are tooo greedy …the pup tooo cause they are both the same

  22. mr. know it all says:

    im not afraid of anything especially humans because we all are humans. why should i be afraid of man if god said it himself “fear no man, and fear me not” ms macal i know you didn’t like aaron thats why your trying to be funny but put your self in his shoes. if it would have bin you there you wouldn’t ah like people talking of you and your innocent think my friends i can see your not that bright after all. because a bright person always says things that makes sense and never says jokes think of it my friend stap be like other belizeans and talking negative of people every one will be surprised when he win the case watch it.

  23. mr. know it all says:

    LUO your quite correct and smart this is what i try tell people it’s the government di caz all di suffering

  24. macal rivera says:

    mr. know it all, you don’t know a …., you are as guilty as your freind, two of you will some share a cell, hope you have fun then and by the way I am Mr Macal OK 70 years ols but much smarter than you, he he he

    so you better speak up now, its your time to confess your sin!!!

  25. mr. know it all says:

    I was born with special powers that i can be in any place at any given time if you don’t believe me you can google it at “freemason” you are crown with special powers. And a tip for you guys out there if you didn’t know almost all the presidents of different countries are a freemason member and its on the site they rule the world if you didn’t know and all big companies so mind how you play with these guys im sure you must heard of NWO (new world order) not wrestling you idle minds but if you wan’t to know the truth hear it is. Go to, then type in the new world order or the illuminati you will be shock of how powerful a government is don’t believe me why are you waiting switch there now!!!!!!! It’s the honest truth go there now

  26. mr. know it all says:

    you see belizeans the truth shall set you free visit the site on youtube have your popcorn ready you will be in for the ride of a life time. It explains the corruption of government and how the police try to do good but suffers because of their corruptions main you guys got to wake up and learn what’s going on. If you didn’t know every country follows the pattern of the American government using media as their cover ups and damage their country. Please see the video on the (new world order) on youtube. you ask for the truth i posted the truth do your research now.. Have a nice day

  27. mr. know it all says:

    Mr. Macal as you prefer i don’t compare myself with kids. because the smartest words for them when they cannot say something smart they get offensive as yourself. You don’t believe look back at your text and see you level of education guess it needs to improve alot. If you want do a survey ask the viewers of your text you sent how many of them think your educated enough to be texting obscene languages on a national site real smooth. I see you won’t have good PR in life my advice to you find god our saviour.

  28. mr. know it all says:

    If im wrong about the video please feel free to contact me at 1-800-223-4566 or 1-800-232-5578 let thy conciouns be thy guidance. I will only accept constructive comments thank you.

  29. macal rivera says:

    mr. know it all you are a crazy worse than crazy glue, only the creator of this world can be at any place at the same time, any other power is from satan the devil that rules in your heart, you are crazier than crazy glue!!!!!

    Sorry for you

  30. James says:

    U know what mr. know it all? Why does nobody mention that this wilson guy tried to touch this young lady, harrassing her?????!!! Lets forget about fake cops or not fake cops, just put that aside? What about stealing cell phone? can u make an excuse for that? And its not all the gov. fault! Not one man alone can use his conscience for you and me. U are NOT mr. know it all

  31. SRR says:

    I tell Aaron mek he no go da city go live. That he will get in trouble…but the lil bway no listen. He wanted to be Police so BAD! I sorry for the guy. Yes he is a ….. clown but he intellegent to get that far in the force. God knows if he is innocent…but its people like this that the POLICE FORCE needs…just put them in, nurture and train their minds and they will turn this place around.

    Aaron weekness da lady. I think he is more guilty of that than anything else! I tella mek he behave himself. Hope you get free soon bway….

  32. Cops says:

    Come on!!!!! What is wrong with the police froce nowadays. I think the police force should be more carful in what they do.

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