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Sep 15, 2010

Career escapee gets 3 months added to his sentence

terry bainton

He was the second of five escaped prisoners to be recaptured after busting out on April twelfth. Twenty-nine year old Terry Bainton, who was serving time for Unlawfully Obtaining an Unlicensed Firearm and Ammunition, was caught three days later in Belize City and today he faced a single charge of Escape. He put himself at the mercy of the court and pleaded guilty to the charge, asking newly appointed Magistrate Keila Teck for leniency. Bainton was sentenced to an additional three months in prison. This was not Bainton’s first prison break; in October 2009 he was also captured and convicted after he escaped along with Jose Melgar and Jose Lewis Cocom on September twenty-seventh. All three were caught the following day.  In April, Bainton, Melgar and Cocom managed to breach prison security and escaped again, this time they were joined by Juan Melendez and Dennis Quilter. All five are back behind bars.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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10 Responses for “Career escapee gets 3 months added to his sentence”

  1. BZNinCALI says:

    I thought Hattieville Ramada was a nice place.

    Before you run again, is whatever you are running to worth spending more time behind bars?

    Did the court forgive the first escape & sentenced him on just the last one or is the court treating this as one incident ? Enlighten me.


    This animal has been making a mockery of the law, next time the animal try to escape shoot him in the head, then tell us he attacked the police first.

  3. Elgin Martinez says:

    This guy is a career escapee and gets only three years added to his sentence.

  4. Coralblack says:

    I do not justify Negativity, but before people get up and run their mouth off
    about other people, get to know someone first, before you judge them.(I know this young
    man personally), and like many youths in Belize and around the world,grew up with
    out fathers in their lives. Lets talk about that !!!! These worthless men keep having these children and leaving them to raise themselves, and this is the product. Then ignorant people who like to act
    like their shh…t sweeter than everyone else, ignore these facts and throw stones. A Mothers can never teach her son, how to be a man because she is not a man, and a Father can not teach his daughter how to be a woman, because he is not a woman. So if we really want to help our people and communities, let us tackle these real issues, and stop acting like we don’t know whats is really going on.

  5. living good in the usa says:

    There should be a law for communicating treats to someone or the witness. no one should be communicating treats to no one. This law will help police to investigate their crimes. I think no one should be communicating treats it does not matter what the nature of the problem is.
    IF we have love for each on then we will help the neighbor look over the each one us.

    It can be your son,friend,,uncle,brother.or anyone in the family can be the criminal. they all can lose their temper they can not control their emotions so what they do they come back later do what they have to do.

  6. Earl Grey says:


    WE’LL GIVE YOU THE GUN…. ………………. which would make you just like him.



  7. Edith says:

    Coralblack I understand what you’re saying, but growing up without a father is NO EXCUSE.
    Many black men have grown up fatherless but have still gone on to become productive citizens. Yes, a strong father figure, a man setting an example, is necessary but it IS NOT N SHOULD NOT b an excuse to follow a life of crime or justify any wrong doing.
    He broke the law n he tried to get away from the consequences so he deserves what he gets. I grew up hearing old people saying their little Proverbs n my granny use to always say “who liad thief n who thief kill” so I believe u do the crime, u spend the time, bottom line, no disrespect!

  8. Al says:

    I agree with carolblack, let us teach our women to stop being sex machines for these men who only have sex with them to satisfy their needs. The men are not looking for babies they just want sex. The women need to take birth control measures if they can’t take care of what comes from having sex. There are women with five and six children each with a different father that is crazy. The government need to give free birth control pills maybe it will slow down the birth of some of these poor children who did not ask to be born into the poverty that they are subjected to.

  9. Earl Grey says:

    Throw in SOME HARD LABOUR…….

    .What’s wrong with THAT??????

  10. JoseGuerra SR says:

    its sad to see and hear whats happening in BELIZE, i left belize to live a better life with my family, then went back on vacation it wasnt a nice one but was a good one to go back home after 4 and a half years now as i watch the news on line its sad but still proude to be a BELIZEAN>>>> Youth everyone its time to step up and try to make a change for the better problems wont go away over nite but trying will help.

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