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Sep 16, 2010

Healthy Living gets off a sprained ankle

It can happen to anyone. You may suffer an injury playing sports, fall victim to uneven streets, have trouble walking in stilettos, or just suffer a mere clumsy moment. Sprained Ankles are nonspecific.  While we can all identify the symptoms of this injury, few recognize the significance of proper healing. This week’s Healthy Living looks at the importance of the healing process of a sprained ankle.

Marleni Cuellar, Reporting

The ankle is the most commonly sprained joint in the body. The joint itself is made up of three bones and supported by ligaments. It allows for the up and down and side to side motion of the foot and facilitates our walking, running and jumping. An ankle sprain occurs when the ligaments supporting the joints are injured. Orthopedic Surgeon, Doctor Andre Sosa explains.

Dr. Andre Sosa, Orthopedic Surgeon

“An ankle sprain is essentially an injury to the ligaments which are structures that serve the function of tying the ankle bones together. So when these become overstretched essentially a sprain is produced. Of course a sprain can vary in intensity going from what is mild, what is moderate and severe. Meaning an overstretching of the ligaments, an overstretching with partial tear to severe sprain in which the ligament is torn completely.”

While the ankle can be twisted in several directions the most common is a twist inward or inversion injury. A severe injury can occur from a twist in either direction.  Mild, moderate and severe sprains are all painful; but, Dr Sosa warns that any intolerable pain after four days is an indicator that it is time to see the doctor.

Dr. Andre Sosa

Dr. Andre Sosa

“As a general rule we say if you have excruciating pain that does not relieve with over the counter medications like ibuprofrin, Aleve, diclofinac etc. if these fail to provide relief and the pain is still severe then obviously it’s time to look for a doctor because there might be other things present, a fracture, a nerve or a blood vessel injury.  Of course a tear of a ligament can also mean a tear of blood vessels or nerves in the proximity of the ligament that is torn.  But the complications don’t necessarily occur in the immediate vicinity of where the ankle injury is. One of the things that you’ll need to look out for is the days and weeks following an ankle sprain is the possibility of thrombosis in the leg and we ask the patients who have suffered an ankle sprain to be wary of swelling of the calf muscles or the area. Just below the knee.”

If it is indeed just a sprain the proper healing process needs to occur.

Dr. Andre Sosa

“Normally it would take for an ankle sprain to heal and an additional three weeks in which proper conditioning is done and exercise is geared at returning the strength and elasticity to the tissues injured. But many of us become exasperated and we go back to the basketball court or back to high heels. When we do this we don’t allow proper healing to occur.  So if a ligament is overstretched and we don’t allow to heal back to where it was essentially create a situation where it heals in an elongated fashion. So it obviously hasn’t regained its integrity and it will be forever weak. The ankle or whatever joint it may be will be permanently weak or unstable.  That of course Increases the risk of reoccurrence.”

As for treatment, Dr. Sosa suggests RICE. Not the eating kind, of course, but R-I-C-E.

Dr. Andre Sosa

“Meaning you rest the foot the use of crutches is many times warranted. You apply ice packs. Initially it is not advised that you apply heat because what you want to do is limit the amount of blood that reaches the area, limit the inflammation process itself and applying ice packs can do that. What that will do is restrict the blood vessels in the area and it reduces the swelling. The use of a compressive bandage is also helpful the amount of swelling that occurs in the area. Elevating the limb as well very important. So you keep it at least horizontal to the ground. Some people say as high as your heart but that may be impractical in some instances but essentially that’s what it is. RICE”

Physical Therapy is strongly recommended two to three times a week for three to four weeks. The exercises and advice from the therapist will help in the proper recovery from the injury.  Exercise, In general, though is recommended to condition the muscles and joints and minimize injuries. Ankle sprains are not completely avoidable but if it does occur remember give the injury the time and attention needed to recover.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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