Super cop stops robbery
Belize City police today foiled a robbery attempt at the Queen’s Square Market. The incident happened at around seven-thirty this morning when a youth approached Concepcion Guardado, a vendor, and demanded money from him. Guardado only speaks Spanish and did not understand Andrew Talbert. Talbert pulled out a sawed off shotgun and fired at close range at Guardado but the weapon jammed, and other vendors came to the rescue. The assailant ran through the market, but police, who were on patrol not far away, apprehended him with the gun still in hand. Eighteen year old Talbert will be escorted to the Magistrate’s Court on Friday to face charges of Attempted Murder, Attempted Robbery and Keeping a Prohibited Firearm. Police also believe that Talbert may have been responsible for previous robberies in the area.
Apparently another professional criminal who should be subject to “3 strikes” punishment — life in prison for the third serious crime.
He had a gun , he tried to use it , he was running towards you. Why is he still alive?
The tables are finally turning. The vendors did not stand there grateful that they were not the target, THIS TIME. This is the Belize I remember, where the grown ups ran the show, whipped the bullies & threatened to kick their parents …. if they did not keep their little angels under control.
No love, no respect, no mercy from these men in Belize.
What is wrong with Belizean men today must be the crack head generation and this is the result.
But can you make the charges stick????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Where or who is the supper cop??? The one that jammed the gun is that super cop???? If so we need more of him!!!!!!!!!!!! Maybe your prayers will be answered!?!?!?!
I am not going to say anything if this scum bag gets some police brutality he would be well deserved of it.
nuff respect to the brave cop! these kind of guys should be locked up for 20 years and if no change, for LIFE! If that gun had gone off we wudda been at 95 murders for the year!!! Total of 97 last year, and we’re at 94 now in SEPT?? stay within the laws (or change them) but extreme crime is gonna need some extreme action!! Enuf is enuf!!!
There we go again.It’s not going to change until GOB decides to bring back hanging.
Whatever it takes, even if it is interpreted as violation of human rights, clean Belize and do whatever it takes. Government take care of the productive citizen and punish the parasitic criminals severly.
What a retard…stealing from a market vendor, common sense should have hit him rite away to tell him that these people don’t make a lot of money, Andrew must have been born a “crack baby”. I’m glad they caught his a$% immediately, this is where the police should come in and give him a good a%$ whooping for just being plain STUPID. People work hard for their money and then you have these ignorant, low life, degenerate good for nothing people who just wanna take it all away. I’m hoping he gets a stiff penalty because had that gun not jammed that vendor could have lost his life and it would have added to the already staggering crime rate in this country.
O … what with Super cops. the gun jammed and the “Super VEndors” came to the rescue. the police came after the vendors had rescu. …………
It is a pity that the Police were at the right place at the right time because those charges have high chances of not sticking and him coming out scotch free.
Now if the cops would have not been around and the mob of vendors would have cought this guy, now that would have been a summary conviction right there and a sentence to a well deserved …. whopping.
I still believe that our lousy politicians are not doing the best to help Belizeans protect themselves, if at least one vendor had a legal firearm he could have return fire at this scum bag and saved us all the court costs and the extra expenses of keeping him “locked up” at the KOLBE recreational fascility .
I say we play Russian Roulette here, give Concepcion (victim) the shotgun and let him get a shot at Talbert if it jams, then he faces the Magistrate Court, if it goes off too bad. An eye for an eye son. Too bad I’m not the one in charge….lol this place would be walking a tight rope.
people who are caught in the act of committing their crimes, should be made to pay the ultimate price esp, when using weapons. these are the folks that should be made an example of so that others may get the message not to take the same path in life. bze is currently underseige, and the political leaders have no clue as to how to restore some sort of civility back in the streets. its been happening for 10ys now and they still can’t put their fingers on what to do; it’s not rocket science to figure out what to do…………. public flogging, hard labour (which include planting your own food, if it doesn’t grow, you go hungry), and mutilation. these criminals need some deterrent, because for ten yrs now they know that they can get away w/ their crimes. the sad part is that some look forward to going to jail because they now that currently life behind bars is easier than being free; and it’s up to those in charge i.e political leaders, to change that perception.
The market is a place where buyers and sellers meet to conduct business. A place where money exchange is done all day long. This simply shows that we need to have more police officers station around the market to avoid incident of this nature from reoccurring. The cost of seeds and pesticide for these vendors to actually produce there vegetables are so high for some low life to just come and try to rob them. Life in prison with hard labor. Have him work in the sun all day for the rest of his life.
Again why is it so easy for these criminals to get ahold of guns? Thank God the gun jammed and this ***hole was caught! forget putting him in jail, throw him under the jail and feed him only rock soup. Sentence him to 20yrs hard labor!